Special-Status Plant Species That May Be Found In Bidwell Park | |||||
Common Name Scientific Name |
Listing | Blooming Period | Photo Link |
Habitat Associations | Known / Expected |
CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California 2001; CDFG California Natural Diversity Database 2002
List 1B = plants that are rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere;
List 2 = plants that are rare and endangered in California, but more common elsewhere; List 3= plants about which we need more information — A review list; List 4 = plants of limited distribution — a watch list; CE = California Endangered; FE = Federally endangered; |
Ahart’s paronychia Paronychia ahartii |
1B | March-June | ![]() |
Vernal pools, shallow or poorly drained soil in Cismontane woodland, valley and foothill grassland, elevation 30-510 meters | |
Awl-leaved navarretia Navarretia subuligera |
4 | April-August | ![]() |
Rocky mesic sites in chaparral, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest; elevation 150-1100 meters | |
Bidwell’s knotweed Polygonum bidwelliae |
4 | April-July | ![]() |
Thin, rocky volcanic soils in chaparral, cismontane woodland, valley and foothill grassland; elevation 60-1200 meters | Known |
Brownish beaked-rush Rhynchospora capitellata |
2 | July-August | ![]() |
Meadows and seeps in lower montane coniferous forest and valley and foothill grassland, volcanic or serpentine; elevation 215-945 meters | |
Butte County calycadenia Calycadenia oppositifolia |
1B | April-July | ![]() |
Grassy slopes, openings in shrubs and road cuts in chaparral, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest and valley and foothill grassland, volcanic or serpentine; elevation 215-945 meters | Known |
Butte County checkerbloom Sidalcea robusta |
1B | April-June | ![]() |
Chaparral, cismontane woodland, sometimes along rock ledges, small drainages and under drip lines of trees or shrubs; elevation 90-1699 meters | Known |
Butte County fritillary Fritillaria eastwoodiae |
3 | March-May | ![]() |
Chaparral, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest (openings) / sometimes serpentine; elevation 50-1500 meters | |
Butte County meadowfoam Limnanthes floccosa ssp. californica |
1B/CE/FE | March-May | ![]() |
Vernal pools and swales in valley and foothill annual grassland; elevation 50-930 meters | |
Butte County morning-glory Calystegia atriplicifolia ssp. buttensis |
1B | May-July | ![]() |
Lower montane coniferous forest; elevation 600-1200 meters | |
California beaked-rush Rhynchospora californica |
1B | May-July | ![]() |
Bogs and fens, lower montane coniferous forest, meadows and seeps, marshes and swamps (freshwater) elevation 45-1010 meters | Known |
California Hibiscus Hibiscus lasiocarpus |
2 | Mid Jun&emdash;Sep. | ![]() |
Sloughs, stream banks, irrigation ditches, seeps. | Known |
Depauperate milk-vetch Astragalus pauperculus |
4 | March-June | ![]() |
Chaparral, cismontane woodland, valley and foothill grassland / vernally mesic, volcanic; elevation 60-855 meters | Known |
Henderson’s bent grass Agrostis hendersonii |
3 | April-May | Valley and foothill grassland (mesic), vernal pools; elevation 70-305 meters | ||
Humboldt lily Lilium humboldtii ssp. humboldtii |
4 | Early Jun&emdash;Jul. | ![]() |
Dry forest floor, dry brushy slopes. | Known |
Little spike-rush Eleocharis parvula |
3 | ![]() |
Wet mud flats of streams, ponds, seasonal marshes. | Known | |
Red Bluff Dwarf Rush Juncus leiospermus var. leiospermus |
1B | March-May | ![]() |
Vernal pools and swales, seeps and other seasonally moist sites in chaparral, cismontane woodland, valley and foothill grassland; elevation 35-1020 meters | |
Rose mallow Hibiscus lasiocarpus |
2 | June-September | ![]() |
Marshes and swamps (freshwater); elevation 0-120 meters | Known |
Round-leaved filaree Erodium macrophyllum |
2 | March-May | ![]() |
Cismontane woodland, valley and foothill grassland / clay; elevation 15-1200 meters | |
Sanborn’s onion Allium sanbornii var. sanbornii |
4 | Mid Jul&emdash;Aug. | ![]() |
Volcanic outcrops | Known |
Shield-bracted monkeyflower Mimulus glaucescens |
4 | February-August | ![]() |
Chaparral, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest, valley and foothill grassland / serpentine seeps; elevation 60-1240 meters | Known |
Tehama navarretia Navarretia heterandra |
4 | April-June | ![]() |
Valley and foothill grassland (mesic), vernal pools; elevation 30-95 meters | Known |
Thread-leaved beakseed Bulbostylis capillaris |
4 | June-August | ![]() |
Lower montane coniferous forest, meadows and seeps, upper montane coniferous forest; elevation 395-2075 meters | |
White-stemmed clarkia Clarkia gracilis ssp. albacaulis |
1B | May-July | ![]() |
Chaparral, cismontane woodland, sometimes serpentine; elevation 245-1085 meters | Known |
Woolly meadowfoam Limnanthes floccosa ssp. floccosa |
4 | March-June | ![]() |
Chaparral, cismontane woodland, valley and foothill grassland, vernal pools / vernally mesic; elevation 60-1095 meters | Known |
Special-Status Wildlife Species That May Be Found In Bidwell Park | ||||
Common Name Scientific Name |
Listing | Habitat Associations | Known / Expected | |
CDFG California Natural Diversity Database 2002
CSC = California Species of Concern;
FSC = Federal Species of Concern; CE = California Endangered; CT = California Threatened; FE = Federally endangered; FP = Fully Protected; FT = Federally Threatened; FCL = Federal Candidate for Listing |
Amphibians and Reptiles |
California horned lizard Phrynosoma coronatum |
FP/FSC | Associated with a variety of woodland and shrubland habitats, usually in areas with sandy to gravelly substrates; need loose soil, rodent burrows or other debris for cover | ||
California red-legged frog Rana aurora draytonii |
SC/FT | Still or slow moving water in intermittent or permanent streams and ponds | ||
California whipsnake Masticophis lateralis |
CL | Scrublands with open grassy and rocky areas, gullies, canyons and stream courses; seeks shelter in burrows or among rocks | ||
California whiptail Cnemidophorus tigris |
CL | Usually in open arid habitats where vegetation is sparse, can be found in stream courses and openings in woodland and forests as well; | Known | |
Foothill yellow-legged frog Rana boylii |
C | Mainly associated with perennial streams, although can be found in other types of water bodies as well, including backwaters, isolated pools, ponds and marshes | Known | |
Giant garter snake Thamnophis gigas |
T/FT | Associated with emergent vegetation in marshes, sloughs, ponds, streams, ditches and rice fields | ||
Western pond turtle Clemmys marmorata |
C/SC | Associated with permanent water sources possessing suitable basking sites. Nests in adjacent upland habitats | Known | |
Western skink Eumeces skiltonianus |
CL. | A variety of forest, shrubland and grassland habitats, where it frequents the underside of logs and rocks; often near streams or other water, although can be found in more arid areas as well | Known | |
Western spadefoot toad Scaphiopus hammondii |
SC/FSC | Breeds in seasonal rain pools, or pools in seasonal creeks; dry period spent in burrows, often those of rodents | ||
Birds |
American kestrel Falco sparverius |
P | Breeds in open or partly open habitats, agricultural and urban areas; nest in tree cavities; feeds on small invertebrates and small mammals; pairs monogamous | Known | |
American peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus anatum |
E/FP | Breeds in open habitats where it nest on cliff edges, rarely trees and cavities; Cliff sites used traditionally for many years; feeds on birds; pairs monogamous | Known | |
Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
E/FT | Nests and roosts in large trees with open branches, usually within one-mile of open water bodies | Known | |
Burrowing owl Athene cunicularia |
SC/FSC | Nests in suitable rodent burrows in open areas in valley and foothill annual grassland and some woodland communities | ||
California horned lark Eremophila alpestris actia |
SC | The California horned lark (Eremophila alpestris) is a migrant bird from South America. There are 21 subspecies of horned lark within its range and the California horned lark is one of 8 subspecies that breed in California. The California horned lark prefer open terrain where they construct nests on the ground, often in sparsely vegetated areas. Highest nesting densities are generally found in annual grassland and oak savannah habitats in the foothill regions. | ||
Cooper’s hawk Accipiter cooperii |
SC | Nests and forages in dense riparian and oak woodland habitats that are usually near water | Known | |
Ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis |
SC/FSC | Resident and migrant in low elevation areas of California; inhabits open grassland, desert scrub and open savannah habitats; nests in isolated trees, snags or poles | ||
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos |
SC/FP | Breeds in open habitats, nest in trees and on ledges; nest can become very large; feeds n mammals, birds, reptiles insects and carrion, pairs monogamous | Known | |
Grasshopper sparrow Amodramus savannarum |
SC | Occupies open areas in grasslands, old fields and some scrub habitat types where it feeds and nests on the ground; somewhat secretive | ||
Great horned owl Bubo virginianus |
P | Breeds in variety of habitat types; uses abandoned nest in trees, cavities, caves, stumps and on the ground. Feeds on small mammals, birds and insects | Known | |
Loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus |
SC/FSC | Inhabits grassland, savannah and open-canopy woodland habitats throughout low-elevation California | Known | |
Northern harrier Circus cyaneus |
nbsp; | Northern harriers, also known as marsh hawks, occur in California throughout the Great Central Valley, the central and north Coast Ranges, and the Great Basin and Modoc Plateau region of northeastern California. This species prefers to nest on the ground concealed in thick marsh or grassland vegetation, near open foraging areas. Northern harriers will also nest in somewhat disturbed habitats such as the margins of farm fields, pastures, irrigation ditches and levee banks. Loss of riparian, marsh and grassland habitats have contributed to the historical decline of this species. | Known | |
Northern Saw-whet owl Aegolius acadiicus |
P | Breeds in dense conifer and mixed conifer forest; uses abandoned woodpecker holes and natural cavities; feeds on rodents, birds and insects | Known | |
Oak titmouse Baeolophus inornatus |
SC | Nests and roosts in tree or snag cavities in oak woodland and savannah | Known | |
Prairie falcon Falco mexicanus |
P | Nest on cliff ledges and rock crevices which face open areas; feeds on birds, small mammals, insects, and lizards; pairs monogamous | ||
Purple martin Progne subis |
SC | Breeds in riparian woodlands from April-Aug; uncommon summer resident; Introduced House Sparrows and European Starlings compete for suitable habitat | ||
Red-tailed hawk Buteo jamaicensis |
P/FP | Breeds in woodlands and savannas; usually nest in tall trees. Eats mostly rodents but also insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians, crayfish and fish | Known | |
Sharp-shinned hawk Accipiter striatus |
SC/FP | In California, this species breeds primarily in conifer forests in the Sierra Nevada, the coastal forests of northern California, and in small numbers in the mountain ranges of southern California. Sharp-shinned hawks winter throughout the state. Sharp-shinned hawks typically nest in dense, relatively young even-aged conifer stands and in deciduous riparian habitats. Nests are usually situated on moderately steep north-facing slopes, near water in stands with a high foliage density and often near forest openings or edges. | Known | |
Short-eared owl Asio flammeus |
SC/FSC | Open grassland, meadows, irrigated agricultural pastures; nests in riparian habitat | ||
Swainson’s hawk Buteo swainsoni |
T | Resident and migrant of California’s Central Valley; requires large trees in riparian woodland or oak savannah; forages in adjacent grasslands and agricultural fields | ||
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura |
P/FP | Breeds in open habitats in lowlands and mountains; lay eggs in caves, on rock crevices and occasionally in stumps; feeds on carrion; pairs monogamous | Known | |
Western yellow-billed cuckoo Coccyzus americanus occidentalis |
E | Breeds in well-developed riparian woodland habitats, usually in river bottoms | ||
White-tailed kite Elanus leucurus |
FP | Inhabits a variety of open grassland and woodland habitats and agricultural areas; nests in relatively well-developed woodlands | Known | |
Yellow breasted chat Icteria virens |
SC | Breeds in riparian woodlands May-Aug.; Uncommon summer resident; parasitism by Brown Headed Cowbirds prevalent | Known | |
Yellow warbler Dendroica petechia |
SC | Breeds in riparian woodlands April-Aug; uncommon summer resident | Known | |
Fish |
Northern California steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss |
T/FT | Anadromous subspecies of rainbow trout; Adults enter Central Valley tributaries in Fall and spawn through winter after which they return to the Pacific Ocean. Juvenile steelhead spends one to three years in fresh water before migrating to the Pacific Ocean. | ||
River lamprey Lampetra ayresi |
SC | Migrates from the upper Sacramento River into smaller perennial tributary streams to spawn in the winter and spring months. Although they spawn in clean gravels, the ammocoetes (larveae) remain buried in silt and sand of backwaters and eddies. In this habitat, these juveniles feed on algae and microbes. After staying 3-5 years in the tributaries, the young eels migrate to the Sacramento River and then out to the ocean. | Known | |
Spring-run Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha |
T/FT | The spring-run enters the creek from March through July. The spring-run migrates up to the higher reaches where they spend the summer and spawn the following fall. Critical for the spring-run, are the year-round, cold, deep, and protected pools that harbor adults through the summer months, until fall and winter spawning occurs. Critical to successful spawning are cold, clean, oxygenated, silt-free gravel beds. | Known | |
Invertebrates |
Conservancy fairy shrimp Branchinecta conservatio |
E | Vernal pools | ||
Valley elderberry longhorn beetle Desmocerus californicus dimorphus |
T | Associate of riparian woodland and shrubland habitats where sole host plant for larva is the blue elderberry bush (Sambucus mexicanus); questions surround the taxonomic circumscription of this entity | Known | |
Vernal pool fairy shrimp Branchinecta lynchi |
T | Vernal pools | ||
Vernal pool tadpole shrimp Agrostis hendersonii |
E | Vernal pools | ||
Mammals |
Badger Taxidea taxus |
SC | Inhabits foothills and mountain meadows where it feeds on ground squirrels, rats, mice, gophers and chipmunks. Lives in burrows. | ||
Black-tailed hare Lepus californicus |
SC | Eats a variety of plants, considered a pest on farms | Known | |
Fringed myotis bat Myotis thysanodes |
SC/FSC | Occurs in a variety of grassland, woodland and forest habitats; forages over open water, pastures, grasslands and other open areas; may roost in caves, crevices, hollows in trees or snags | ||
Long-eared myotis bat Myotis evotis |
SC/FSC | Occurs in a variety of habitats, although it prefers woodland and forested areas; forages among trees, over open water, and over shrubs; may roost in caves, crevices, hollows in trees or snags | ||
Long-legged myotis Myotis volans |
SC | Usually associated with forest and woodlands over 4,000 feet elevation, although this species is also known from lower elevations in chaparral and coastal scrub communities; roosts in caves, crevices, hollows in trees or snags, buildings and under tree bark | ||
Marysville Heerman’s kangaroo rat Dipidomys californicus eximius |
SC/FSC | Annual grassland, coastal scrub, chaparral and woodlands; burrows in well-drained soils, sometimes using abandoned burrows | ||
Mountain Lion Felis concolor |
T | Lions generally make dens in caves or cervices of rockslides along base of cliffs; feed primarily on deer | Known | |
Ringtail Bassaricus astutus |
T | Ringtails are found in riparian forests, chaparral, shrub-fields, oak woodlands, and rocky hillsides. Ringtails feed primarily on rodents although insects, birds and fruit are also consumed when available. They are mostly nocturnal and live and reproduce in a variety of den types, including hollow trees, rock outcrops, brushy areas, and underground burrows. Loss of riparian forest and other suitable habitats has caused declines in populations and local extirpations. | Known | |
Small-footed myotis bat Myotis ciliolabrum |
CS | Occupies a variety of arid upland habitats, usually associated with wooded or brushy areas; roosts in caves, buildings, crevices and sometimes on rough bark | ||
Townsend’s big-eared bat Corynorhinus pallescens |
SC/FSC | Typically associated with riparian habitats; roosts in caves, hollow trees, buildings, bridge overpasses, mines and other man-made structures | ||
Vagrant shrew Sorex vagrans |
CL | Feeds on insects, spiders, snails, and earthworms; seldom lived beyond 18 months; do not hibernate | Known | |
Yuma myotis bat Myotis yumanensis |
SC | Forages over open water in open forests and woodlands; roosts in buildings, caves, crevices or mines |