Summary of Pesticides Used Since 1993

Bidwell Park and Playground Commission meetings, Nov. 27, 2000, May 30, 2005

Year Material Amount Use
1993 Round-Up 5.13 gal. Roadside and general weed control including Ailanthus.
Surflan AS 0.58 gal. Roadside weed (puncture vine) control.
1994 Round-Up 8.74 gal. Roadside, trail and general weed control. Oak regeneration and ailanthus control.
Surflan AS 3.00 gal. Roadside and trail weed control (puncture vine).
1995 Round-Up 1.30 gal. Roadside weed control
Surflan AS 1.30 gal. Roadside weed control (puncture vine).
1996 Round-up Pro 4.78 gal. Roadside, trail, oak regeneration and general weed control.
Garlon 4 9.00 gal. Himalayan blackberry control.
1997 Round-up Pro 7.69 gal. Roadside, trail, oak regeneration and general weed control.
Garlon 4 7.75 gal. Himalayan blackberry control.
1998 Garlon 4 40.00 gal. Himalayan blackberry and bladder pod control using hand wand over approx. 24 acres.
1999 Garlon 3A 4.00 gal. Himalayan blackberry control using back sprayers and hand wand over approx. 10 acres.
2000 Garlon 4E 1.50 gal. Ailanthus bark banding treatment.
Rodeo 1.25 gal. Arundo donax cut stem treatment.
Round-up Pro 0.75 gal. Privet cut stump treatment.
2001 Rodeo 4.03 gal. Arundo donax cut stem treatment.
2002 No Use
2003 No Use
2004 Wasp Freeze 0.09 gal. Yellow jacket control.
Rodeo 1.64 gal. Arundo donax cut stem treatment.
Round-up 0.54 gal. Privet cut stump treatment, weed control.