Scientific Name Common Name |
Family | Native or Introduced |
Life Form | Location | |
1 | Acacia arabica Amrad Gum |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
2 | Acacia nilotica Gum Arabic Tree |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
3 | Acer buergerianum Trident Maple |
Sapindaceae soapberry family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
4 | Acer macrophyllum Big-leaved Maple |
Sapindaceae soapberry family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
5 | Acer negundo Box-elder |
Sapindaceae soapberry family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
6 | Acer saccarinum Silver Maple |
Sapindaceae soapberry family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
7 | Achillea millefolium Yarrow |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
8 | Achyrachaena mollis Blow-wives |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
9 | Acmispon americanus var. americanus Spanish Lotus |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
10 | Acmispon brachycarpus Foothill Lotus |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
11 | Acmispon parvivlflorus Small-flowered Lotus |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
12 | Acmispon wrangelianus Wrangel Lotus |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
13 | Actinidia chinensis Kiwi |
Actinidiaceae chinese gooseberry family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Vine |
Lower Park |
14 | Adiantum aleuticum Five-finger Fern |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
15 | Adiantum capillus-veneris Southern Maidenhair |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
16 | Adiantum jordanii California Maidenhair |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
17 | Aegilops triuncialis Barbed Goatgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
18 | Aesculus californica California Buckeye |
Sapindaceae soapberry family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
19 | Agave ? Agave |
Agavaceae century plant family |
Introduced | Perennial Leaf Succulent |
20 | Agoseris grandiflora Large-flowered Agoseris |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
21 | Agoseris heterophylla Annual Agoseris |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
22 | Agoseris retrorsa Spear-leaved Agoseris |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
23 | Agrostis exarata Spiked Bentgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
24 | Agrostis gigantea Giant Bentgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
25 | Agrostis microphylla Small-leaved Bentgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
26 | Agrostis pallens Leafy Bentgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
27 | Agrostis stolonifera Creeping Bentgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
28 | Ailanthus altissima Tree-of-Heaven |
Simaroubaceae quassia family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South
Middle Park |
29 | Aira caryophyllea Silver European Hairgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
30 | Albizia julibrissin Silk Tree Mimosa |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
31 | Alcea rosea Hollyhock |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Introduced | Biennial/ Perennial Herb |
Middle Park |
32 | Alisma plantago-aquatica Water-plantain |
Alismataceae water-plantain family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
33 | Allium amplectens Clasping Onion |
Alliaceae onion family (treated in lily family) |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
34 | Allium neapolitanum White Garlic |
Alliaceae onion family (treated in lily family) |
Introduced | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
35 | Allium peninsulare var. peninsulare Mexican Onion |
Alliaceae onion family (treated in lily family) |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
36 | Allium sanbornii var. sanbornii Sandborn’s Onion |
Alliaceae onion family (treated in lily family) |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper North
37 | Alnus rhombifolia White Alder |
Betulaceae birch family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
38 | Alopecurus saccatus Vernal Pool Foxtail |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
39 | Amaranthus albus Tumbleweed |
Amaranthaceae amaranth family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
40 | Amaranthus blitoides Mat Amaranth |
Amaranthaceae amaranth family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
41 | Amaranthus deflexus Largefruit Amaranth |
Amaranthaceae amaranth family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Lower Park |
42 | Amaranthus retroflexus Red-rooted Amaranth |
Amaranthaceae amaranth family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
43 | Ambrosia psilostachya Western Ragweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
44 | Ammannia coccinea Valley Redstem |
Lythraceae loosestrife family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
45 | Amsinckia eastwoodii Eastwood’s Fiddleneck |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
46 | Amsinckia intermedia Common Fiddleneck |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
47 | Amsinckia lycopsoides Bugloss Fiddleneck |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
48 | Amsinckia menziesii Menzies’ Fiddleneck |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
49 | Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel |
Myrsinaceae myrsine family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
50 | Andropogon glomeratus var. scabriglumis Southwestern Bushy Bluestem |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
51 | Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus Broomsedge Bluestem |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
52 | Anisocarpus madiodes Woodland Madia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
53 | Anthemis cotula Mayweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
54 | Anthriscus caucalis Bur-chervil |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
55 | Antirrhinum cornutum Spurred Snapdragon |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
56 | Antirrhinum vexillocalyculatum ssp. intermedium Wiry Snapdragon |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
57 | Aphanes occidentalis Western Lady’s-mantle |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
58 | Apocynum cannabinum Indian-hemp |
Apocynaceae dogbane family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
59 | Arbutus menziesii Pacific Madrone |
Ericaceae heath and wintergreen family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South
Lower Park |
60 | Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree |
Ericaceae heath and wintergreen family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub/ Tree |
Lower Park |
61 | Arceuthobium campylopodum Gray Pine Dwarf-mistletoe |
Viscaceae mistletoe family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
62 | Arctostaphylos manzanita ssp. manzanita Big Manzanita |
Ericaceae heath and wintergreen family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
63 | Arctostaphylos mewukka ssp. mewukka Indian Manzanita |
Ericaceae heath and wintergreen family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South |
64 | Arctostaphylos nevadensis ssp. nevadensis Pinemat Manzanita |
Ericaceae heath and wintergreen family |
Native | Perennial
Shrub |
Lower Park |
65 | Arctostaphylos viscida ssp. viscida White-leaved Manzanita |
Ericaceae heath and wintergreen family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
66 | Aristida oligantha Oldfield Three-awn |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
67 | Aristida ternipes var. gentilis Hooked Three-awn |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
68 | Aristolochia californica California Pipevine |
Aristolochiaceae pipevine family |
Native | Perennial
Vine |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
69 | Arrhenatherum elatius Tall Oatgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
70 | Artemisia douglasiana Mugwort |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
71 | Arum italicum Italian Arum |
Araceae Arum family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
72 | Arundo donax Giant Reed |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
73 | Asclepias cordifolia Purple Milkweed |
Apocynaceae dogbane family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
74 | Asclepias eriocarpa Indian Milkweed |
Apocynaceae dogbane family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
75 | Asclepias fascicularis Narrow-leaved Milkweed |
Apocynaceae dogbane family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
76 | Asclepias speciosa Showy Milkweed |
Apocynaceae dogbane family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
77 | Asparagus officinalis Garden Asparagus |
Asparagaceae asparagus family |
Introduced | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Middle Park |
78 | Aspidotis californica California Lace Fern |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
79 | Aspidotis densa Indian’s-Dream |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
80 | Astragalus gambelianus Gambel’s Milk-vetch |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
81 | Astragalus pauperculus Depauperate Milkvetch |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
82 | Athysanus pusillus Petty Athysanus |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
83 | Avena barbata Slender Wild Oat |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
84 | Avena fatua Wild Oat |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
85 | Avena sativa Cultivated Oat |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
86 | Azolla microphylla Mexican Mosquito Fern |
Azollaceae mosquito-fern family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
87 | Baccharis pilularis Coyote-Brush |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South |
88 | Baccharis salicifolia Mule’s-fat |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North Middle Park |
89 | Bellis perennis English Daisy |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Lower Park |
90 | Berberis aquifolium var. dictyota Jepson’s Barberry |
Berberidaceae barberry family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Middle Park |
91 | Bergia texana Texas Bergia |
Elatinaceae waterwort family |
Native | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Middle Park |
92 | Berula erecta Cut-leaved Water-Parsnip |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
93 | Bidens frondosa Sticktight |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
94 | Blennosperma nanum Yellow Carpet |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
95 | Boechera breweri spp. shastaensis Austin’s Rockcress |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
96 | Boykinia occidentalis Western Brookfoam |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
97 | Brachypodium distachyon False Broom |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
98 | Brassica rapa Field Mustard |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
99 | Brickellia californica California Brickellbush |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North Middle Park |
100 | Briza maxima Big Quaking-grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
101 | Briza minor Lesser Quaking-grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
102 | Brodiaea californica California Brodiaea |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
103 | Brodiaea elegans ssp. elegans Elegant Brodiaea |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
104 | Brodiaea minor Small Brodiaea, Bluestars |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
105 | Bromus carinatus var. carinatus California Brome |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
106 | Bromus catharticus Rescuegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
107 | Bromus diandrus Ripgut Brome |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
108 | Bromus hordeaceus Soft Chess |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
109 | Bromus japonicus Japanese Brome |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
Lower Park |
110 | Bromus laevipes Woodland Brome |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
111 | Bromus madritensis ssp. madritensis Foxtail Chess |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
112 | Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens Red Brome |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
113 | Bromus racemosus Smooth Chess |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
114 | Bromus sterilis Proverty Brome |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
115 | Bromus tectorum Cheat Grass, Downy Brome |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
116 | Calandrinia ciliata Redmaids |
Montiaceae miner’s lettuce family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
117 | Callitriche heterophylla Variable-leaved Water-starwort |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
118 | Callitriche marginata Winged Water-starwort |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
119 | Calocedrus decurrens Incense-cedar |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
120 | Calochortus luteus Yellow Mariposa-lily |
Liliaceae lily family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
121 | Calochortus monophyllus Yellow Star-tulip |
Liliaceae lily family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
122 | Calochortus superbus Superb Mariposa -lily |
Liliaceae lily family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
123 | Calycadenia ciliosa Klamath Calycadenia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
124 | Calycadenia fremontii Fremont’s Calycadenia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
125 | Calycadenia oppositifolia Butte County Calycadenia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
126 | Calycadenia truncata Rosinweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
127 | Calycanthus occidentalis Western Spicebush |
Calycanthaceae Calycanthus or sweet-shrub family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
128 | Calyptridium monospermum One-seeded Pussypaws |
Montiaceae miner’s lettuce family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
129 | Calystegia occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Western Morning-glory |
Convolvulaceae morning-glory family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
130 | Camellia reticulata Camellia |
Theaceae tea family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Lower Park |
131 | Cannabis sativa Marijuana |
Cannabaceae hemp family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
132 | Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherds’s-purse |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
133 | Cardamine californica Milkmaids or Toothwort |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
134 | Cardamine oligosperma Western Bittercress |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
135 | Carduus pycnocephalus ssp. pycnocephalus Italian Plumeless-thistle |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
136 | Carex amplifolia Ample-leaved Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
137 | Carex barbarae Santa Barbara Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
138 | Carex bolanderi Bolander’s Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
139 | Carex densa Dense Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
140 | Carex feta Green-sheathed Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
141 | Carex fracta Fragile-sheathed Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
142 | Carex leptopoda Slender-footed Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
143 | Carex multicaulis Many-stemmed Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
144 | Carex nudata Torrent Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
145 | Carex praegracilis Clustered Field Sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
146 | Carya glabra Pignut Hickory |
Juglandaceae walnut family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
147 | Carya illinoinensis Pecan |
Juglandaceae walnut family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
148 | Castilleja affinis ssp affinis Lay-and-Collie’s Indian-paintbrush |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
149 | Castilleja applegatei ssp pinetorum Wavy-leaved Indian-paintbrush |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
150 | Castilleja attenuata Valley Tassel |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
151 | Castilleja exserta Purple Owl-clover |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
Lower Park |
152 | Castilleja lacera Cut-leaved Owl-clover |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
153 | Catalpa speciosa Western Catalpa |
Bignoniaceae Bignonia family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
154 | Caulanthus lasiophyllus Hairy-leaved Guillenia |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
155 | Ceanothus cuneatus var. cuneatus Buckbrush |
Rhamnaceae buckthorn family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
156 | Ceanothus integerrimus Deerbrush |
Rhamnaceae buckthorn family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
157 | Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar |
Pinaceae pine family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
158 | Cedrus libani var. libani Lebanon Cedar |
Pinaceae pine family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
159 | Celtis australis Mediterranean (European) Hackberry, Nettle-Tree |
Cannabaceae hemp family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
160 | Celtis occidentalis Common Hackberry |
Cannabaceae hemp family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Lower Park |
161 | Celtis sinensis Chinese Hackberry |
Cannabaceae hemp family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
162 | Centaurea melitensis Tocalote |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
163 | Centaurea solstitialis Yellow Starthistle |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
164 | Centaurium tenuiflorum June Centaury |
Gentianaceae gentian family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
165 | Centromadia fitchii Fitch’s Spikeweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
166 | Cephalanthus occidentalis California Button-willow |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
167 | Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare Common Mouse-eared Chickweed |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
168 | Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse-eared Chickweed |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
169 | Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
170 | Cercocarpus betuloides var. betuloides Birch-leaved Mountain Mahogany |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
171 | Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Port Orford Cedar or Lawson Cypress |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
172 | Chamaesyce glyptosperma Rib-seeded Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
173 | Chamaesyce maculata Spotted Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
174 | Chamaesyce nutans Large Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
175 | Chamaesyce ocellata ssp. ocellata Valley Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
176 | Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
177 | Cheilanthes intertexta Coastal Lip Fern |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
178 | Chenopodium album Lamb’s Quarters |
Chenopodiaceae goosefoot family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
179 | Chenopodium strictum var. glaucophyllum Glaucus-leaved Goosefoot |
Chenopodiaceae goosefoot family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Lower Park |
180 | Chloris virgata Silky Chloris |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
181 | Chlorogalum angustifolium Narrow-leaved Soap-plant |
Agavaceae century plant family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
182 | Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianum Wavy-leaved soap-plant |
Agavaceae century plant family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
183 | Chorizanthe membranacea Pink Spineflower |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
184 | Chorizanthe polygonoides var. polygonoides Knotweed Spineflower |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
185 | Chorizanthe stellulata Starlet Spineflower |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
186 | Cicendia quadrangularis Timwort |
Gentianaceae gentian family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
187 | Cichorium intybus Chicory |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
188 | Cinnamomum camphora Camphor |
Lauraceae laurel family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
189 | Cirsium arvense Canada Thistle |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
190 | Cirsium occidentale var. venustum Venus Thistle |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Biennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
191 | Cirsium vulgare Bull Thistle |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Biennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
192 | Citrullus lanatus var. citroides Watermelon |
Cucurbitaceae gourd family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
193 | Clarkia arcuata Kellogg’s Clarkia |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
194 | Clarkia gracilis ssp. albicaulis White-stemmed Clarkia |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
195 | Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera Purple Clarkia |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
196 | Clarkia rhomboidea Diamond Clarkia |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
197 | Clarkia unguiculata Elegant Clarkia |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
198 | Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora Small-flowered Miner’s-lettuce |
Portulacaceae purslane family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
199 | Claytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliata Common Miner’s-lettuce |
Portulacaceae purslane family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
200 | Claytonia rubra ssp. rubra Red-stemmed Miner’s-lettuce |
Portulacaceae purslane family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
201 | Clematis lasiantha Chaparral Clematis |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Vine |
Upper South Upper North
202 | Clematis ligusticifolia Virgin’s-bower |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Vine |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
203 | Collinsia heterophylla Chinese-houses |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
204 | Collinsia sparsiflora var. collina Foothill Collinsia |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
205 | Collinsia tinctoria Sticky Chinese-houses |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
206 | Collomia heterophylla Variable-leaved Collomia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
207 | Collomia tinctoria Yellow-staining Collomia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
208 | Colutea arborescens Bladder Senna |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Middle Park Lower Park |
209 | Comandra umbellata ssp. californica Bastard-toadflax |
Comandraceae bastard toadflax family |
Native | Perennial
Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
210 | Convolvulus arvensis Bindweed |
Convolvulaceae morning-glory family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
211 | Cordylanthus pilosus ssp. hansenii Hansen’s Bird’s-beak |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
212 | Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood |
Cornaceae dogwood family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Tree |
Upper North
213 | Cornus glabrata Brown Dogwood |
Cornaceae dogwood family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Tree |
Upper South Upper North
214 | Cornus sessilis Black-fruited Dogwood |
Cornaceae dogwood family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Tree |
Upper North
215 | Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
216 | Cotoneaster lacteus Milkflower Cotoneaster |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South |
217 | Cotoneaster pannosus Silverleaf Cotoneaster |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South
Lower Park |
218 | Crassula aquatica Water Pygmyweed |
Crassulaceae stonecrop family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
219 | Crassula connata Pygmyweed |
Crassulaceae stonecrop family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
220 | Crassula tillaea Mossy Pigmyweed |
Crassulaceae stonecrop family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
221 | Crataegus laevigata Smooth Hawthorn |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub/ Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
222 | Croton setigerus Turkey-mullein |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
223 | Crucianella angustifolia Crosswort |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
224 | Crypsis schoenoides Swamp Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
225 | Crypsis vaginiflora African Pricklegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
226 | Cryptantha flaccida Weak-stemmed Cryptantha |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
227 | Cryptantha intermedia Common Cryptantha |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
228 | Cryptomeria japonica Japanese Cedar |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
229 | Cucumis melo Muskmelon |
Cucurbitaceae gourd family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
230 | Cupressus lusitanica Mexican Cypress |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
231 | Cupressus sempervirens Italian Cypress |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
232 | Cuscuta occidentalis Short-flowered Dodder |
Convolvulaceae morning-glory family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
233 | Cuscuta pentagona Field Dodder |
Convolvulaceae morning-glory family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
234 | Cynodon dactylon Bermuda Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
235 | Cynoglossum grande Pacific Hound’s Tongue |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
236 | Cynosurus echinatus Hedgehog Dogtail |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
237 | Cyperus difformis Small-flowered Cyperus |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
238 | Cyperus eragrostis Tall Cyperus |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
239 | Cyperus erythrorhizos Redrooted Cyperus |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
240 | Cyperus esculentus Yellow Nut-sedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
241 | Cyperus niger Black Cyperus |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
242 | Cyperus squarrosus Awned Cyprerus |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
243 | Cyperus strigosus False Nutsedge |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
244 | Cystopteris fragilis Fragile Fern |
Woodsiaceae cliff fern family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
245 | Dactylis glomerata Orchardgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
246 | Danthonia californica California Oatgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
247 | Darmera peltata Indian-Rhubarb |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
248 | Datura stramonium var. tatula Jimson Weed |
Solanaceae nightshade family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
249 | Datura wrightii Thorn-apple |
Solanaceae nightshade family |
Native | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Middle Park |
250 | Daucus carota Queen Anne’s Lace |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
251 | Daucus pusillus Rattlesnake-weed |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
252 | Delphinium hansenii ssp. hansenii Hansen’s Larkspur |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
253 | Delphinium hesperium Western Larkspur |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
254 | Delphinium nudicaule Red Larkspur |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
255 | Delphinium patens ssp. patens Spreading Larkspur |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
256 | Delphinium variegatum ssp. variegatum Royal Larkspur |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
257 | Deschampsia danthonioides Annual Hairgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
258 | Deschampsia elongata Slender Hairgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
259 | Dianthus armeria ssp. armeria Deptford Pink |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South |
260 | Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum Blue Dicks |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
261 | Dichelostemma congestum Fork-toothed Ookow |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
262 | Dichelostemma multiflorum Round-toothed Ookow |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
263 | Dichelostemma volubile Twining Ookow |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
264 | Digitaria ischaemum Smooth Crabgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
265 | Digitaria sanguinalis Hairy Crabgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
266 | Diospyros kaki Japanese Persimmon |
Ebenaceae persimmon family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
267 | Diospyros virginiana Common Persimmon |
Ebenaceae persimmon family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South
Lower Park |
268 | Distichlis spicata Saltgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
269 | Dodecatheon clevelandii ssp. patulum Lowland Shootingstar |
Primulaceae primrose family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
270 | Downingia ornatissima var. exima Solano Downingia |
Campanulaceae bellflower family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
271 | Downingia ornatissima var. ornatissima Ornate Downingia |
Campanulaceae bellflower family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
272 | Draba verna Spring Whitlow Grass |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
273 | Draperia systyla Draperia |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
274 | Drymocallis glandulosa ssp. glandulosa Sticky Cinquefoil |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
275 | Dryopteris arguta Coastal Wood Fern |
Dryopteridaceae wood fern family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
276 | Duchesnea indica var. indica Mock Strawberry |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
277 | Dudleya cymosa ssp. cymosa Canyon Dudleya |
Crassulaceae stonecrop family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
278 | Dysphania ambrosioides Mexican-tea |
Chenopodiaceae goosefoot family |
Introduced | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Middle Park |
279 | Dysphania botrys Jerusalem-oak |
Chenopodiaceae goosefoot family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
280 | Dysphania pumilio Tasmanian Goosefoot |
Chenopodiaceae goosefoot family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
281 | Echinochloa colona Jungle-rice |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
282 | Echinochloa crus-galli Barnyard Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
283 | Echinodorus berteroi Burhead |
Alismataceae water-plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
284 | Eclipta prostrata False Daisy |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
285 | Elatine brachysperma Short-seeded Waterwort |
Elatinaceae waterwort family |
Native | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Middle Park |
286 | Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularis Needle Spike-rush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
287 | Eleocharis atropurpurea Purple Spike-rush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
288 | Eleocharis engelmanii Engelmann’s Spike-rush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
289 | Eleocharis macrostachya Pale Spike-rush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
290 | Eleocharis parishii Parish’s Spike-rush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
291 | Eleocharis parvula Little Spike-rush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
292 | Eleocharis rostellata Beaked Spike-rush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
293 | Eleusine indica Goose Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
294 | Elymus caput-medusae Medusa-head |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
295 | Elymus elymoides ssp. californicus Squirreltail |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
296 | Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus Blue Wild-rye |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
297 | Elymus multisetus Big Squirreltail |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
298 | Elymus ponticus Tall Wheatgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
299 | Elymus triticoides Alkali Ryegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
300 | Enemion occidentale Western Rue-anemone |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
301 | Epilobium brachycarpum Tall Annual Willowherb |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
302 | Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium California-fuschia |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
303 | Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum Fringed Willowherb |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
304 | Epilobium cleistogamum Cleistogamous Spike-primrose |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
305 | Epilobium densiflorum Dense-flowered Spike-primrose |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
306 | Epilobium minutum Minute Willowherb |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
307 | Epilobium pallidum Large-flowered Spike-primrose |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
308 | Epilobium torreyi Torrey’s Spike-primrose |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
309 | Epipactis gigantea Stream Orchid |
Orchidaceae orchid family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
310 | Equisetum arvense Common Horsetail |
Equisetaceae horsetail family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
311 | Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine Common Scouring-rush |
Equisetaceae horsetail family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
312 | Equisetum laevigatum Smooth Scouring-rush |
Equisetaceae horsetail family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
313 | Equisetum telmateia ssp. braunii Giant Horsetail |
Equisetaceae horsetail family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
314 | Eragrostis cilianensis Stinkgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
315 | Eragrostis pectinacea var. pectinacea Purple Lovegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
316 | Eragrostis pilosa var. pilosa Tufted Lovegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
317 | Erigeron bonariensis South American Horseweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
318 | Erigeron canadensis Canadian Horseweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
319 | Erigeron divergens Spreading Daisy |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
320 | Erigeron inornatus var. inornatus California Rayless Daisy |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
321 | Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicus Philadelphia Daisy |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Biennial/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North
322 | Erigeron sumatrensis Many-flowered Horseweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
323 | Eriobotrya deflexa Bronze Loquat |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
324 | Eriobotrya japonica Loquat |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
325 | Eriodictyon californicum California Yerba-santa |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
326 | Eriogonum nudum var. pubiflorum Hairy-flowered Buckwheat |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
327 | Eriogonum vimineum Wicker Buckwheat |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
328 | Eriophyllum lanatum var. grandiflorum Large-flowered Woolly-sunflower |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
329 | Erobotrya deflexa Coppertone Loquat |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South
Lower Park |
330 | Erodium botrys Long-beaked Stork’s-bill |
Geraniaceae geranium family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
331 | Erodium brachycarpum Short-fruited Stork’s-bill |
Geraniaceae geranium family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
332 | Erodium cicutarium Red-stemmed Filaree |
Geraniaceae geranium family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
333 | Erodium moschatum White-stemmed Filaree |
Geraniaceae geranium family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
334 | Eryngium castrense Coyote-thistle |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
335 | Erythronium multiscapoideum Sierra Fawn-lily |
Liliaceae lily family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
336 | Eschscholzia caespitosa Foothill Poppy |
Papaveraceae poppy family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
337 | Eschscholzia californica California Poppy |
Papaveraceae poppy family |
Native | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
338 | Eschscholzia lobbii Fryingpans |
Papaveraceae poppy family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
339 | Eucalyptus amygdalina Peppermint Gum |
Myrtaceae myrtle family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
340 | Eucalyptus botryoides Bastary Mahogany |
Myrtaceae myrtle family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
341 | Eucalyptus camaldulensis Red Gum |
Myrtaceae myrtle family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
342 | Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum |
Myrtaceae myrtle family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
343 | Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
344 | Euphorbia spathulata Warty Spurge |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
345 | Euthamia occidentalis Western Goldenrod |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
346 | Festuca arundinacea Tall Fescue |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
347 | Festuca bromoides Brome Fescue |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
Lower Park |
348 | Festuca microstachys Small Fescue |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
349 | Festuca myuros Rattail Sixweeks Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
350 | Festuca perennis Annual Ryegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
351 | Ficus carica Edible Fig |
Moraceae mulberry family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
352 | Frangula californica ssp. tomentella Hoary Coffeeberry |
Rhamnaceae buckthorn family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
353 | Fraxinus americana White Ash |
Oleaceae olive family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
354 | Fraxinus dipetala California Ash |
Oleaceae olive family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South
Lower Park |
355 | Fraxinus excelsior European Ash |
Oleaceae olive family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
356 | Fraxinus latifolia Oregon Ash |
Oleaceae olive family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
357 | Fraxinus velutina Arizona Ash |
Oleaceae olive family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
358 | Fritillaria affinis Checkered Fritillary |
Liliaceae lily family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
359 | Fritillaria recurva Scarlet Fritillary |
Liliaceae lily family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper North
360 | Galium aparine Cleavers |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
361 | Galium bolanderi Bolander’s Bedstraw |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
362 | Galium divaricatum Lamarck’s Bedstraw |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
363 | Galium mexicanum ssp. asperulum Tall Rough Bedstraw |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Lower Park |
364 | Galium parisiense Wall Bedstraw |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
365 | Galium porrigens var. tenue Narrow-leaved Climbing Bedstraw |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
366 | Galium triflorum Sweet-scented Bedstraw |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
367 | Gamochaeta ustulata Purple Cudweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
368 | Garrya fremontii Fremont’s Silk Tassel |
Garryaceae silktassel family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South
Middle Park |
369 | Gastridium phleoides Nitgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
370 | Genista monspessulana French-broom |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Middle Park |
371 | Geranium carolinianum Carolina Geranium |
Geraniaceae geranium family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
372 | Geranium dissectum Cut-leaved Geranium |
Geraniaceae geranium family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
373 | Geranium molle Dove’s-foot Geranium |
Geraniaceae geranium family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
374 | Gilia capitata ssp. pedemontana Foothill Globe Gilia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
375 | Gilia tricolor ssp. tricolor Bird’s-eye Gilea |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
376 | Githopsis pulchella ssp. campestris Large-flowered Bluecup |
Campanulaceae bellflower family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
377 | Githopsis specularioides Common Bluecup |
Campanulaceae bellflower family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
378 | Gleditsia triacanthos Honey-locust |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
379 | Glycyrrhiza lepidota American Licorice |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
380 | Gnaphalium palustre Western Cudweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
381 | Gratiola ebracteata Bractless Hedge-hyssop |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
382 | Grindelia camporum Valley Gumplant |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
383 | Grindelia hirsutula Foothill Gumplant |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
384 | Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky Coffee Tree |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
385 | Hedera canariensis Algerian Ivy |
Araliaceae ginseng family |
Introduced | Perennial
Vine |
Middle Park Lower Park |
386 | Hedera helix English Ivy |
Araliaceae ginseng family |
Introduced | Perennial
Vine |
Upper South
Middle Park |
387 | Hedypnois cretica Hedypnois |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
388 | Helenium puberulum Rosilla |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
389 | Helianthella californica var. nevadensis Sierra Nevada Helianthella |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
390 | Helianthus annuus Common Sunflower |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
391 | Helianthus bolanderi Bolander’s Sunflower |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
392 | Heliotropium europaeum European Heliotrope |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
393 | Hemizonia congesta ssp. luzulifolia Hayfield Tarweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
394 | Hesperevax acaulis var. acaulis Dwarf Evax |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
395 | Hesperevax acaulis var. robustior Robust Evax |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
396 | Hesperocnide tenella Western Nettle |
Urticaceae nettle family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
397 | Hesperocyparis mcnabiana McNab Cypress |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
398 | Heterocodon rariflorum Heterocodon |
Campanulaceae bellflower family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
399 | Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
400 | Heterotheca grandiflora Telegraph-weed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Middle Park |
401 | Heterotheca oregona var. compacta Oregon Golden-aster |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
402 | Heuchera micrantha Crevice Alumroot |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
403 | Hibiscus lasiocarpus var. occidentalis Woolly Rose-mallow or California Hibiscus |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper North
404 | Hirschfeldia incana Mediterranean Hoary-mustard |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Biennial/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
405 | Hoita macrostachya Large Leather-root |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
406 | Holcus lanatus Common Velvetgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
407 | Holocarpha virgata ssp. virgata Wand Tarweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
408 | Hordeum arizonicum Arizona Barley |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
409 | Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum Meadow Barley |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
410 | Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum Mediterranean Barley |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
411 | Hordeum murinum ssp. glaucum Glaucous Wall Barley |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
412 | Hordeum murinum ssp. leporinum Hare Wall Barley |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
413 | Hordeum vulgare Common Barley |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
414 | Hosackia oblongifolius var. oblongifolius Streambank Lotus |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
415 | Hydrangia sp. Hydrangea |
Hydrangeaceae hydrangea family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Lower Park |
416 | Hydrocotyle verticillata Whorled Marsh-pennywort |
Araliaceae ginseng family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
417 | Hydrophyllum occidentale California Waterleaf |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
418 | Hypericum anagalloides Tinker’s-penny |
Hypericaceae St. John’s-wort family |
Introduced | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
419 | Hypericum perforatum Klamathweed |
Hypericaceae St. John’s-wort family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
420 | Hypochaeris glabra Smooth Cat’s-ear |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
421 | Ipheion uniflorum Starflower |
Alliaceae onion family (treated in lily family) |
Introduced | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Middle Park |
422 | Ipomoea purpurea Common Morning-glory |
Convolvulaceae morning-glory family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
423 | Iris macrosiphon Long-tubed Iris |
Iridaceae iris family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
424 | Isoetes nuttallii Nuttall’s Quillwort |
Isoetaceae quillwort family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
425 | Isoetes orcuttii Orcutt’s Quillwort |
Isoetaceae quillwort family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
426 | Jasminum mesnyi Primose Jasmine |
Oleaceae olive family |
Introduced | Perennial
Shrub |
Lower Park |
427 | Juglans hindsii Northern California Black Walnut |
Juglandaceae walnut family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
428 | Juglans regia English Walnut |
Juglandaceae walnut family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
429 | Juncus articulatus ssp. articulatus Jointed Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
430 | Juncus balticus var. ater Baltic Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
431 | Juncus bufonius var. bufonius Common Toad Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
432 | Juncus bufonius var. congestus Congested Toad Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
433 | Juncus capitatus Leafy-bracted Dwarf Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
434 | Juncus dubius Mariposa Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper South |
435 | Juncus effusus ssp. pacificus Pacific Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
436 | Juncus ensifolius Sword-leaved Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Middle Park |
437 | Juncus oxymeris Pointed Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
438 | Juncus patens Spreading Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
439 | Juncus tenuis Slender Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
440 | Juncus uncialis Inch-high Rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
441 | Keckiella breviflora var. glabrisepala Gaping Keckiella |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
442 | Keckiella corymbosa Redwood Keckiella |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North Middle Park |
443 | Keckiella lemmonii Lemmon’s Keckiella |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North Middle Park |
444 | Kickxia elatine Sharp-leaved Fluellin |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Lower Park |
445 | Koeleria gerardii Annual June Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
446 | Koelreuteria paniculata Goldenrain tree |
Sapindaceae soapberry family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
447 | Lactuca saligna Willow-leaved Lettuce |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
448 | Lactuca serriola Prickly Lettuce |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
449 | Lagophylla glandulosa Glandular Hareleaf |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
450 | Lagophylla ramosissima Slender Hareleaf |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
451 | Lamium amplexicaule Giraffehead |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
452 | Lamium purpureum Red Henbit |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Lower Park |
453 | Landoltia punctata Dotted Duckweed |
Araceae Arum family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
454 | Lasthenia californica California Goldfields |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
455 | Lasthenia fremontii Fremont’s Goldfields |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
456 | Lathyrus jepsonii var. californicus California Pea |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
457 | Lathyrus latifolius Everlasting Pea |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
458 | Lathyrus sulphureus Snub Pea |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
459 | Lathyrus tingitanus Tangier Pea |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
460 | Laurus nobilis Mediterranean Bay Tree |
Lauraceae laurel family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
461 | Layia fremontii Fremont’s Tidytips |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
462 | Leersia oryzoides Rice Cutgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
463 | Lemna minuta Least Duckweed |
Araceae Arum family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
464 | Leontodon saxatillis Long-beaked Hawkbit |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
465 | Lepechinia calycina California Pitcher-sage |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
466 | Lepidium campestre English Pepper-grass |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South |
467 | Lepidium latifolium Perennial Pepperweed |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Lower Park |
468 | Lepidium nitidum Shiny Pepper-grass |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
469 | Lepidium strictum Upright Pepper-grass |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
470 | Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis Beaded Sprangletop |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
471 | Leptosiphon bicolor Bicolored Linanthus |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
472 | Leptosiphon ciliatus Whiskerbrush |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
473 | Leptosiphon filipes Wild Baby’s Breath |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
474 | Leptosiphon parviflorus Small Flowered Linanthus |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
475 | Lessingia nana Dwarf Lessingia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
476 | Lessingia nemaclada Slender-stemmed Lessingia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
477 | Lessingia virgata Wand Lessingia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
478 | Ligustrum japonicum Japanese Privet |
Oleaceae olive family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
479 | Ligustrum lucidum Glossy, Common or Chinese Privet |
Oleaceae olive family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub/ Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
480 | Ligustrum ovalifolium Border or California Privet |
Oleaceae olive family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
481 | Lilium humboldtii ssp. humboldtii Humboldt Lily |
Liliaceae lily family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
482 | Lilium pardalinum ssp. shastense Shasta Lily |
Liliaceae lily family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper North
483 | Limnanthes alba ssp. alba White Meadowfoam |
Limnanthaceae meadowfoam family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
484 | Limnanthes douglasii ssp. rosea Rosy Meadowfoam |
Limnanthaceae meadowfoam family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
485 | Limosella aquatica Water Mudwort |
Scrophulariaceae figwort family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
486 | Linanthus dichotomus Evening-snow |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
487 | Lindernia dubia False Pimpernel |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
488 | Lipocarpha aristulata Awned Lipocarpha |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
489 | Liquidamber styraciflua Sweet Gum |
Hamamelidaceae witchhazel family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
490 | Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree |
Magnoliaceae magnolia family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
491 | Lithophragma affine San Francisco Woodland Star |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
492 | Lithophragma bolanderi Bolander’s Woodland Star |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
493 | Logfia filaginoides California Filago |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
494 | Logfia gallica Narrow-leaved Filago |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
495 | Lomatium caruifolium var. denticulatum Foothill Lomatium |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
496 | Lomatium dasycarpum ssp. tomentosum Wooly-fruited Lomatium |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
497 | Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum Fern-leaved Lomatium |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
498 | Lomatium macrocarpum Large-fruited Lomatium |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
499 | Lomatium utriculatum Bladder Lomatium |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
500 | Lonicera interrupta Chaparral Honeysuckle |
Caprifoliaceae honeysuckle family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
501 | Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle |
Caprifoliaceae honeysuckle family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Lower Park |
502 | Lonicera maackii Maack’s Honeysuckle |
Caprifoliaceae honeysuckle family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Middle Park |
503 | Lotus corniculatus Bird’s-foot Trefoil |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
504 | Ludwigia palustris Marsh-purslane |
Onagraceae evening-primrose family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
505 | Lunaria annua Silver Dollar Plant |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Lower Park |
506 | Lupinus affinis Fleshy Lupine |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
507 | Lupinus albicaulis Sickle-keeled Lupine |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Lower Park |
508 | Lupinus albifrons var. albifrons Silver Bush Lupine |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
509 | Lupinus bicolor Bicolored Lupine |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
510 | Lupinus latifolius var. columbianus Broad-leaved Lupine |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
511 | Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus White-whorled Lupine |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
512 | Lupinus nanus Valley Sky Lupine |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
513 | Lupinus pachylobus Big-podded Lupune |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
514 | Luzula comosa Sessile Wood-rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
515 | Luzula subsessilis Sessile Wodd-rush |
Juncaceae rush family |
Introduced | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper South |
516 | Lychnis coronaria Mullein-pink |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Biennial/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
517 | Lycopersicon esculentum Garden Tomato |
Solanaceae nightshade family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
518 | Lythrum hyssopifolium Hyssop Loosestrife |
Lythraceae loosestrife family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
519 | Lythrum portula Water Purselane |
Lythraceae loosestrife family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
520 | Madia citriodora Lemmon-scented Tarweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
521 | Madia elegans Common Madia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
522 | Madia exigua Thread-stemmed Madia |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
523 | Madia gracilis Slender Tarweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
524 | Madia subspicata Spiked Tarweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
525 | Magnolia ? Magnolia |
Magnoioideae magnolia family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
526 | Malva neglecta Common Mallow |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
527 | Malva nicaeensis Bull Mallow |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
528 | Malva parviflora Little Mallow |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
529 | Marah fabacea California Manroot |
Cucurbitaceae gourd family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
530 | Marah watsonii Taw Manroot |
Cucurbitaceae gourd family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
531 | Marrubium vulgare Horehound |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
532 | Marsilea vestita ssp. vestita Hairy Pepperwort |
Marsileaceae Marsilea family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
533 | Matricaria discoidea Common Pineapple-weed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
534 | Meconella californica California Meconella |
Papaveraceae poppy family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
535 | Medicago arabica Bur Clover, Spotted Burclover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
536 | Medicago lupulina Black Medick |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
537 | Medicago polymorpha California or Common Bur-clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
538 | Medicago praecox Mediterranean Bur-clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
539 | Melica californica California Melic |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
540 | Melica torreyana Torrey’s Melic |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
541 | Melilotus albus White Sweet-clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
542 | Melilotus indicus Indian Sweet-clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
543 | Melissa officinalis Bee or Lemmon Balm |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
544 | Mentha arvensis Field or American Wild Mint |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
545 | Mentha pulegium Pennyroyal |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
546 | Mentha spicata Spearmint |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
547 | Mentzelia laevicaulis Giant Blazingstar |
Loasaceae Loasa family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
548 | Micranthes californica California Saxifrage |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
549 | Micranthes fallax Greene’s Saxifrage |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
550 | Micranthes integrifolia Hooker’s Saxifrage |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
551 | Micranthes nidifica Peak Saxifrage |
Saxifragaceae saxifrage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
552 | Micropus californicus var. californicus Slender Cottonweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
553 | Microseris acuminata Sierra Foothill Microseris |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
554 | Microseris douglasii ssp. douglasii Douglas’ Microseris |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
555 | Microseris lindleyi Lindley’s Microseris |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
556 | Microsteris gracilis Slender Phlox |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
557 | Mimulus aurantiacus ssp. aurantiacus Bush Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Perennial
Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
558 | Mimulus bicolor Yellow-and-White Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
559 | Mimulus cardinalis Scarlet Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
560 | Mimulus douglasii Purple Mouse-ears |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
561 | Mimulus floribundus Floriferous Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
562 | Mimulus glaucescens Shield-bracted Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
563 | Mimulus guttatus Seep Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
564 | Mimulus kelloggii Kellogg’s Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
565 | Mimulus layneae Layne’s Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
566 | Mimulus moschatus Musk Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
567 | Mimulus primuloides ssp. primuloides Primrose Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
568 | Mimulus pulsiferae Candelabrum Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
569 | Mimulus torreyi Torrey’s Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
570 | Mimulus tricolor Tricolored Monkey-flower |
Phrymaceae lopseed family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
571 | Minuartia californica California Sandwort |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
572 | Minuartia cismontana Cismontane Minuartia |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
573 | Minuartia douglasii Douglas Sandwort |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
574 | Mollugo verticillata Indian-chickweed |
Molluginaceae carpetweed family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
575 | Monardella breweri ssp. lanceolata Mustang-mint |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
576 | Monardella sheltonii Shelton’s Coyote-mint |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
577 | Montia fontana Water Montia |
Portulacaceae purslane family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
578 | Montia parvifolia Small-leaved Montia |
Portulacaceae purslane family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
579 | Morus alba White Mulberry |
Moraceae mulberry family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
580 | Muhlenbergia filiformis Pullup Muhly |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
581 | Muhlenbergia mexicana Mexican Muhly |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
582 | Muhlenbergia rigens Deergrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
583 | Myosotis discolor Yellow Scorpion-grass |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
584 | Myosurus minimus Common Mousetail |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
585 | Myrtus communis Common Myrtle |
Myrtaceae myrtle family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub/ Tree |
Lower Park |
586 | Najas gracillima Thread-leaved Water Nymph |
Hydrocharitaceae waterweed family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
587 | Narcissus incomparabilis Fortune Daffodil |
Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family (treated in lily family) |
Introduced | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper North
588 | Narcissus pseudonarcissus King Alfred Daffodil |
Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family (treated in lily family) |
Introduced | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
589 | Nasturtium officinale Watercress |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
590 | Navarretia divaricata ssp. vividior Spreading Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
591 | Navarretia filicaulis Thread-stemmed Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
592 | Navarretia heterandra Tehama Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
593 | Navarretia intertexta ssp. intertexta Needle-leaved Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
594 | Navarretia leptalea ssp. leptalea Bridges Gilea |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
595 | Navarretia leucocephala ssp. leucocephala White-flowered Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
596 | Navarretia prolifera ssp. prolifera Bur Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
597 | Navarretia pubescens Downy Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
598 | Navarretia tagetina Marigold Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
599 | Navarretia viscidula Sticky Navarretia |
Polemoniaceae phlox family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
600 | Nemophila heterophylla Variable-leaved Nemophila |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
601 | Nemophila menziesii ssp. menziesii Baby-blue-eyes |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
602 | Nemophila pedunculata Meadow Nemophila |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
603 | Nicotiana quadrivalvis Indian Tobacco |
Solanaceae nightshade family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
604 | Notholithocarpus densiflorus Common Tan-oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
605 | Nymphaea odorata American White Water-lily |
Nymphaeaceae water-lily family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
606 | Odontostomum hartwegii Hartweg’s Odontostomum |
Tecophilaeaceae Tecophilaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
607 | Oemieria cerasiformia Oso-berry |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South |
608 | Olea europaea Olive |
Oleaceae olive family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
609 | Orobanche fasciculata Clustered Broom-rape |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Annual Parasitic Herb |
Upper South |
610 | Orobanche uniflora Naked Broom-rape |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Annual Parasitic Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
611 | Orobanche vallicola Valley Broom-rape |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Annual Parasitic Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
612 | Osmorhiza berteroi Mountain Sweet-cicely |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
613 | Oxalis corniculata Creeping Wood-sorrel |
Oxalidaceae wood-sorrel family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
614 | Oxalis pes-caprae Bermuda-buttercup |
Oxalidaceae wood-sorrel family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Lower Park |
615 | Panicum acuminatum Western Panicgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
616 | Panicum capillare Witchgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
617 | Panicum dichotomiflorum ssp. dichotomiflorum Smooth Witchgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
618 | Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper |
Vitaceae grape family |
Introduced | Perennial
Vine |
Lower Park |
619 | Paspalum dilatatum Dallisgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
620 | Paspalum distichum Knotgrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
621 | Paulownia tomentosa Empress Tree |
Scrophulariaceae figwort family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
622 | Pectocarya pusilla Little Pectocarya |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
623 | Pellaea andromedifolia Coffee Fern |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
624 | Pellaea mucronata var. mucronata Common Birds-foot Fern |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
625 | Penstemon heterophyllus var. purdyi Purdy’s Beardtongue |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
626 | Pentagramma pallida White-backed Fern |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
627 | Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis Gold-backed Fern |
Pteridaceae brake family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
628 | Perideridia kelloggii Kellogg’s Yampah |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
629 | Perideridia oregana Oregon Yampah |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
630 | Persicaria lapathifolium Willow-weed |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
631 | Persicaria maculosa Lady’s Thumb |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
632 | Persicaria punctatum Dotted Smartweed |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
633 | Petrorhagia dubia Grass Pink |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
634 | Phacelia cicutaria var. cicutaria Caterpillar Phacelia |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
635 | Phacelia egena Rock Phacelia |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
636 | Phacelia heterophylla ssp. virgata Virgate Phacelia |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Biennial
Herb |
Upper North
637 | Phacelia imbricata ssp. imbricata Imbricate Phacelia |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
638 | Phacelia ramosissima Branched Phacelia |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
639 | Phacelia tanacetifolia Tansy Phacelia |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
640 | Phalaris paradoxa Paradox Canarygrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
641 | Philadelphus lewisii Mock Orange |
Hydrangeaceae hydrangea family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
642 | Phoradendron serotinum ssp. macrophyllum Big-leaved Mistletoe |
Viscaceae mistletoe family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
643 | Phoradendron serotinum ssp. tomentosum Hairy Mistletoe |
Viscaceae mistletoe family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
644 | Photinia fraser Red-tipped Photinia |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Lower Park |
645 | Phyllostachy aurea Golden Bamboo |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Lower Park |
646 | Physalis lanceifolia Lance-leaved Ground-cherry |
Solanaceae nightshade family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
647 | Phytolacca americana var. americana American Pokeweed |
Phytolaccaceae pokeweed family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
648 | Pilularia americana American Pillwort |
Marsileaceae Marsilea family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
649 | Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana Sierra Lodgepole Pine |
Pinaceae pine family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
650 | Pinus coulrwei Coulter Pine |
Pinaceae pine family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
651 | Pinus halepensis Aleppo Pine |
Pinaceae pine family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
652 | Pinus pinaster Cluster Pine |
Pinaceae pine family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
653 | Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa Pacific Ponderosa Pine |
Pinaceae pine family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
654 | Pinus sabiniana Gray Pine |
Pinaceae pine family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
655 | Pinus sylvestris Scots Pine |
Pinaceae pine family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
656 | Piperia elongata Dense-flowered Piperia |
Orchidaceae orchid family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
657 | Piperia michaelii Michael’s Piperia |
Orchidaceae orchid family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
658 | Pistacia atlantica Mt. Atlas Mastictree |
Anacardiaceae sumac family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
659 | Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistachio |
Anacardiaceae sumac family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
660 | Pittosporum tobira Japanese Mockorange |
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Lower Park |
661 | Plagiobothrys austiniae Austin’s Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
662 | Plagiobothrys canescens Valley Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
663 | Plagiobothrys fulvus var. campestris Fulvous Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
664 | Plagiobothrys glyptocarpus var. glyptocarpus Sculptured Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
665 | Plagiobothrys greenei Greene’s Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
666 | Plagiobothrys nothofulvus Common Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
667 | Plagiobothrys scriptus Scribe’s Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
668 | Plagiobothrys shastensis Shasta Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
669 | Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. micranthus Small-flowered Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
670 | Plagiobothrys tenellus Slender Popcorn-flower |
Boraginaceae borage family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
671 | Plantago coronopus Cut-leaved Plantain |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South |
672 | Plantago elongata Elongate Plantain |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
673 | Plantago erecta Erect Plantain |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
674 | Plantago lanceolata English Plantain |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
675 | Plantago major Common Plantain |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Introduced | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
676 | Plantago virginica Virginia Plantain |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Middle Park |
677 | Platanus acerifolia London Plane-tree |
Platanaceae sycamore family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
678 | Platanus racemosa Western Sycamore |
Platanaceae sycamore family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
679 | Platycladus orientalis Chinese Arborvitae |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
680 | Platystemon californicus California Creamcups |
Papaveraceae poppy family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
681 | Plectritis ciliosa Short-spurred Pink Plectritis |
Valerianaceae valerian family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
682 | Plectritis macrocera White Plectritus |
Valerianaceae valerian family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
683 | Poa annua Annual Bluegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
684 | Poa bulbosa Bulbous Bluegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
685 | Poa compressa Canadian Bluegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
686 | Poa howellii Howell’s Bluegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
687 | Poa palustris Fowl Bluegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
688 | Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
689 | Poa secunda ssp. secunda One-sided Bluegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
690 | Poa tenerrima Delicate Bluegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
691 | Pogogyne zizyphoroides Sacramento Valley Pogogyne |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
692 | Polanisia dodecanda var. trachysperma Clammyweed |
Cleomaceae spiderflower family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
693 | Polycarpon tetraphyllum var. tetraphyllum Four-leaved Allseed |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Lower Park |
694 | Polygala cornuta var. cornuta Sierra Milkwort |
Polygalaceae milkwort family |
Native | Perennial
Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
695 | Polygonum aviculare ssp. depressum Common Knotweed |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
696 | Polygonum bidwelliae Bidwell’s Knotweed |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
697 | Polygonum californicum California Knotweed |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
698 | Polygonum hydropiper Water-pepper |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
699 | Polypodium calirhiza Intermediate Polypody |
Polypodiaceae polypody family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
700 | Polypogon australis Chilean Beard Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
701 | Polypogon interruptus Ditch Beard Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
702 | Polypogon maritimus Mediterranean Beard Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
703 | Polypogon monspeliensis Annual Beard Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
704 | Polystichum californicum California Sword Fern |
Dryopteridaceae wood fern family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
705 | Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii Fremont’s Cottonwood |
Salicaceae willow family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
706 | Portulaca oleracea Common Purslane |
Portulacaceae purslane family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
707 | Potamogeton crispus Wavy-leaved Pondweed |
Potamogetonaceae pondweed family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
708 | Potamogeton diversifolius Diverse-leaved Pondweed |
Potamogetonaceae pondweed family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
709 | Potamogeton foliosus ssp. foliosus Leafy Pondweed |
Potamogetonaceae pondweed family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
710 | Poteridium annuum Western Burnet |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper North
711 | Poterium Sanguisorba Garden Burnet |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
712 | Proboscidia louisianica ssp. louisianica Common Unicorn-plant |
Martyniaceae unicorn-plant family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
713 | Prunella vulgaris ssp. lanceolata Mountain Selfheal |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
714 | Prunella vulgaris ssp. vulgaris Common Selfheal |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
715 | Prunus cerasifera Cherry Plum |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
716 | Prunus dulcis Almond |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Middle Park Lower Park |
717 | Prunus serotina Black Cherry |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
718 | Prunus subcordata Sierra or Pacific Plum |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
719 | Pseudognaphalium beneolens Fragrant Cudweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
720 | Pseudognaphalium californicum California Cudweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
721 | Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Weedy Cudweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
722 | Pseudognaphalium stramineum Cotton-batting Cudweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
723 | Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii Douglas-fir |
Pinaceae pine family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South Upper North
724 | Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus Dwarf Woolly-marbles |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
725 | Psilocarphus tenellus Slender Woolly-marbles |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
726 | Ptelea crenulata Hop Tree |
Rutaceae rue family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North Middle Park |
727 | Pterostegia drymaroides Pterostegia |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
728 | Pyracantha augustifolia Slender Firethorn |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Lower Park |
729 | Pyracantha fortuneana Taiwan Firethorn |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South
Middle Park |
730 | Pyracantha koidzumii Firethorn |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Middle Park Lower Park |
731 | Pyrus communis Common Pear |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South
Lower Park |
732 | Quercus berberidifolia Scrub Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
733 | Quercus chrysolepsis Canyon Live Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
734 | Quercus douglasii Blue Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
735 | Quercus kelloggii California Black Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
736 | Quercus lobata Valley Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
737 | Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
738 | Quercus morehus Oracle Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South |
739 | Quercus robur Pedunculate (English) Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
740 | Quercus suber Cork Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
741 | Quercus wislizenii var. wislizeni Interior Live Oak |
Fagaceae oak family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
742 | Rafinesquia californica California Chicory |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
743 | Ranunculus aquatilis var. aquatilis Broad-leaved Water Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
744 | Ranunculus arvensis Field Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Middle Park |
745 | Ranunculus canus Sacramento Valley Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
746 | Ranunculus hebecarpus Pubescent-fruited Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
747 | Ranunculus muricatus Prickle-seeded Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
748 | Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalis Western Buttercup |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
749 | Raphanus raphanistrum Jointed Charlock |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
750 | Rhamnus ilicifolia Holly-leaved Redberry |
Rhamnaceae buckthorn family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
751 | Rhododendron ? Nova Zembla |
Ericaceae heath and wintergreen family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Lower Park |
752 | Rhus aromatica Skunkbrush |
Anacardiaceae sumac family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
753 | Rhynchospora californica California Beaked-rush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
754 | Ribes amarum Bitter Gooseberry |
Grossulariaceae gooseberry family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
755 | Ribes roezlii var. roezlii Sierra Gooseberry |
Grossulariaceae gooseberry family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
756 | Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South
Middle Park |
757 | Rorippa curvisiliqua Western Yellowcress |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
758 | Rosa ? Floribunda Rose |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Lower Park |
759 | Rosa banksiae lutea Yellow Lady Banks Rose |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Shrub |
Lower Park |
760 | Rosa californica California Rose |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous/ Evergreen Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
761 | Rosa multiflora Rambler Rose |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North
762 | Rosa pisocarpa Cluster Rose |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South |
763 | Rosa pisocarpa ssp. ahartii Ahart Rose |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South |
764 | Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
765 | Rotala ramosior Lowland Toothcup |
Lythraceae loosestrife family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
766 | Rubus armeniacus Himalayan Blackberry |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Vine |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
767 | Rubus laciniatus Cut-leaved Blackberry |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Vine |
Upper South
Middle Park |
768 | Rubus pensilvanicus Pennsylvania Blackberry |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Vine |
Middle Park |
769 | Rubus ulmifolius var. anoplothyrsus Thornless Blackberry |
Rosaceae rose family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Vine |
Lower Park |
770 | Rubus ursinus California Blackberry |
Rosaceae rose family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Vine |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
771 | Rumex acetosella Common Sheep Sorrel |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
772 | Rumex californicus Smooth-valved Willow Dock |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
773 | Rumex conglomeratus Green Dock |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
774 | Rumex crispus Curly Dock |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
775 | Rumex pulcher Fiddle Dock |
Polygonaceae buckwheat family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
776 | Sagina apetala Dwarf Pearlwort |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
777 | Sagittaria montevidensis ssp. calycina Montevideo |
Alismataceae water-plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
778 | Salix babylonica Weeping Willow |
Salicaceae willow family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
779 | Salix exigua Sandbar Willow |
Salicaceae willow family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North
780 | Salix gooddingii Black Willow |
Salicaceae willow family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South
Middle Park |
781 | Salix laevigata Red Willow |
Salicaceae willow family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
782 | Salix lasiandra ssp. lasiandra Yellow Willow |
Salicaceae willow family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Middle Park |
783 | Salix lasiolepis Arroyo Willow |
Salicaceae willow family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
784 | Salix melanopsis Dusky Willow |
Salicaceae willow family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North Middle Park |
785 | Salsola tragus Russian Thistle |
Chenopodiaceae goosefoot family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
786 | Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea Blue Elderberry |
Adoxaceae muskroot family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
787 | Sanicula bipinnata Poison Sanicle |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
788 | Sanicula bipinnatifida Purple Sanicle |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
789 | Sanicula crassicaulis Pacific Sanicle |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
790 | Sanicula tuberosa Turkey-pea |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
791 | Sapium sebiferum Chinese Tallowtree |
Euphorbiaceae spurge family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
792 | Saponaria officinalis Bouncing-bet |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
793 | Scandix pecten-veneris Shepherd’s-needle |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
794 | Schinus terebinthifolius Brazil Pepper Tree |
Anacardiaceae sumac family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
795 | Schoenoplectus americanus Hard-stemmed Tule |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
796 | Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Soft-stemmed Tule |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
797 | Scirpus congdonii Congdon’s Bulrush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
798 | Scirpus diffusus Diffuse Bulrush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
799 | Scirpus microcarpus Small-fruited Bulrush |
Cyperaceae sedge family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
800 | Scleranthus annuus ssp. annuus Knawel |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
801 | Scribneria bolanderi Scribner’s-grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
802 | Scrophularia californica Many-flowered Figwort |
Scrophulariaceae figwort family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
803 | Scutellaria californica California Skullcap |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
804 | Scutellaria siphocampyloides Gray-leaved Skullcap |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
805 | Scutellaria tuberosa Danny’s Skullcap |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
806 | Sedella pumila Dwarf-stonecrop |
Crassulaceae stonecrop family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
807 | Sedum spathulifolium Broad-leaved Stonecrop |
Crassulaceae stonecrop family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
808 | Selaginella hansenii Hansen’s Spike-moss |
Selaginellaceae spike-moss family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
809 | Selaginella wallacei Wallace’s Spike-moss |
Selaginellaceae spike-moss family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
810 | Senecio aronicoides California Ragwort |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Biennial/ Perennial Herb |
Upper North
811 | Senecio sylvaticus Wood Groundsel |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
812 | Senecio vulgaris Old-man-in-the-spring |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
813 | Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
814 | Sequoiadendron giganteum Giant Sequoia |
Cupressaceae cypress family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
815 | Setaria parviflora Knotroot Bristle Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
816 | Setaria pumila Yellow Bristle Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
817 | Setaria sphacelata African Bristle Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
818 | Setaria viridis Green Bristle Grass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
819 | Sherardia arvensis Field-madder |
Rubiaceae madder family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
820 | Sidalcea calycosa ssp. calycosa Annual Checkerbloom |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
821 | Sidalcea hartwegii Hartweg’s Checkerbloom |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
822 | Sidalcea hirsuta Hairy Checkerbloom |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
823 | Sidalcea robusta Butte County Checkerbloom |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
824 | Silene antirrhina Sleepy Catchfly |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
825 | Silene gallica Windmill-pink |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
826 | Silene laciniata ssp. californica Indian-pink |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
827 | Silybum marianum Milk-thistle |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
828 | Sinapis arvensis Field Charlock |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
829 | Sisymbrium altissimum Tumble Mustard |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
830 | Sisymbrium officinale Hedge-mustard |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
831 | Sisyrinchium bellum Blue-eyed-grass |
Iridaceae iris family |
Native | Perennial Rhizomaceous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
832 | Smilax californica California Greenbrier |
Smilacaceae Smilax family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Vine |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
833 | Solanum americanum American Black Nightshade |
Solanaceae nightshade family |
Native | Annual/ Perennial Herb/ Shrub |
Middle Park |
834 | Solanum parishii Parish’s Nightshade |
Solanaceae nightshade family |
Native | Perennial
Herb/ |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
835 | Solanum umbelliferum Bluewitch |
Solanaceae nightshade family |
Native | Perennial
Herb/ |
Upper North
836 | Solidago elongata West Coast Canada Goldenrod |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
837 | Soliva sessilis Lawn Burweed |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
838 | Sonchus asper ssp. asper Prickly Sow Thistle |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
839 | Sonchus oleraceus Common Sow-thistle |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
840 | Sorghum halepense Johnsongrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
841 | Spartium junceum Spanish Broom |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
842 | Spergularia bocconei Baccone’s Sandspurry |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
843 | Spiranthes porrifolia Western Ladies-tresses |
Orchidaceae orchid family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
844 | Stachys bergii Rigid Hedge-nettle |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
845 | Stachys pycnantha Short-spiked Hedge-nettle |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
846 | Stachys stricta Sonoma Hedge-nettle |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
847 | Stellaria media Common Chickweed |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
848 | Stellaria nitens Shiny Chickweed |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
849 | Stephanomeria elata Santa Babara Stephanomeria |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
850 | Stephanomeria virgata ssp. pleurocarpa Wand Stephanomeria |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
851 | Stipa lemmonii ssp. pubescens? Lemmon’s Needlegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
852 | Stipa pulchra Purple Needlegrass |
Poaceae grass family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
853 | Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus Common Snowberry |
Caprifoliaceae honeysuckle family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North
854 | Symphyotrichum bracteolatum Eaton’s Aster |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
855 | Symphyotrichum chilense California Aster |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
856 | Symphyotrichum spathulatum Western Aster |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
857 | Symphyotrichum subulatus var. ligulatus Annual Saltmarsh Aster |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
858 | Tamarix gallica French Tamarisk |
Tamaricaceae tamarisk family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper North
859 | Taraxacum erythrospermum Red-seeded Dandelion |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Lower Park |
860 | Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
861 | Tauschia hartwegii Hartweg’s Taushia |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
862 | Thalictrum fendleri var. polycarpum Many-fruited Meadow-rue |
Ranunculaceae buttercup family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
863 | Thysanocarpus curvipes var. elegans Elegant Fringepod |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
864 | Thysanocarpus radians Spokepod |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
865 | Tilia americana American Linden or Basswood |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
866 | Tilia platyphyllos Large-leaf Linden |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
867 | Tilia x europaea European Linden |
Malvaceae mallow family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
868 | Tonella tenella Small-flowered Tonella |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
869 | Torilis arvensis Tall Sock-Destroyer |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
870 | Torilis nodosa Knotted Hedge-parsley |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
871 | Toxicodendron diversilobum Western Poison-oak |
Anacardiaceae sumac family |
Native | Perennial Deciduous Shrub |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
872 | Toxicoscordion fremontii Fremont’s Zigadene |
Melanthiaceae false-hellebore family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Middle Park |
873 | Toxicoscordion venenosum Death-camas |
Melanthiaceae false-hellebore family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
874 | Tragopogon dubius Yellow Salsify |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Annual/ Biennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
875 | Tragopogon porrifolius Purple Salsify |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Introduced | Biennial
Herb |
Middle Park Lower Park |
876 | Tribulus terrestris Puncture-vine |
Zygophyllaceae caltrop family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
877 | Trichostema lanceolatum Vinegar-weed |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
878 | Trichostema oblongum Mountain Bluecurls |
Lamiaceae mint family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
879 | Trifolium albopurpureum Indian Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
880 | Trifolium bifidum var. bifidum Notch-leaved Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South |
881 | Trifolium campestre Hop Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
882 | Trifolium ciliolatum Foothill Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
883 | Trifolium depauperatum var. amplectens Involucrate Cowbag Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
884 | Trifolium depauperatum var. depauperatum Dwarf Cowbag Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
885 | Trifolium dubium Little Hop Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
886 | Trifolium glomeratum Sessile-headed Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Lower Park |
887 | Trifolium hirtum Rose Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
888 | Trifolium microcephalum Small-headed Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
889 | Trifolium oliganthum Few-flowered Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
890 | Trifolium olivaceum Olive Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Middle Park |
891 | Trifolium repens White Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
892 | Trifolium retusum Retuse Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Lower Park |
893 | Trifolium subterraneum Subterranean Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
894 | Trifolium variegatum White-tipped Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
895 | Trifolium willdenovii Tomcat Clover |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
896 | Triodanis biflora Small Venus’ Looking glass |
Campanulaceae bellflower family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
897 | Triodanis perfoliata Venus’ Looking Glass |
Campanulaceae bellflower family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
898 | Triphysaria eriantha ssp. eriantha Johnnytuck |
Orobanchaceae broom-rape family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
899 | Triteleia bridgesii Bridges’s Triteleia |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North
900 | Triteleia hyacinthina Wild Hyacinth |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
901 | Triteleia ixioides ssp. unifolia Dark-stained Prettyface |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Middle Park |
902 | Triteleia laxa Ithuriel’s-spear |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
903 | Triteleia lilacina Glassy Wild Hyacinth |
Themidaceae brodiaea family |
Native | Perennial Bulbous Herb |
Upper North
904 | Triticum aestivum Wheat |
Poaceae grass family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
Lower Park |
905 | Turritis glabra Tower Mustard |
Brassicaceae mustard family |
Native | Biennial
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
906 | Typha angustifolia Narrow-leaved Cattail |
Typhaceae cattail family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
907 | Typha latifolia Broad-leaved Cattail |
Typhaceae cattail family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
908 | Ulmus americana American Elm |
Ulmaceae elm family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
909 | Ulmus glabra Scotch or Wych Elm |
Ulmaceae elm family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
910 | Ulmus hollandica Huntingdon Elm |
Ulmaceae elm family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
911 | Ulmus rubra Slippery Elm |
Ulmaceae elm family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
912 | Ulmus thomasii Cork Elm |
Ulmaceae elm family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
913 | Umbellularia californica California Bay |
Lauraceae laurel family |
Native | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
914 | Uropappus lindleyi Silverpuffs |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
915 | Vachellia farnesiana Sweet Acacia |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Shrub/ Tree |
Lower Park |
916 | Velezia rigida Valezia |
Caryophyllaceae pink family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper North
917 | Verbascum blattaria Moth Mullein |
Scrophulariaceae figwort family |
Introduced | Biennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
918 | Verbascum thapsus Woolly Mullein |
Scrophulariaceae figwort family |
Introduced | Biennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
919 | Verbena hastata Halberd-leaved Vervain |
Verbenaceae vervain family |
Native | Biennial/ Perennial Herb |
Upper South Upper North
920 | Verbena lasiostachys var. scabrida Western Vervain |
Verbenaceae vervain family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
921 | Veronica anagallis-aquatica Water Speedwell |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Middle Park |
922 | Veronica arvensis Field Speedwell |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
923 | Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis Purslane Speedwell |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North Middle Park |
924 | Veronica persica Persian Speedwell |
Plantaginaceae plantain family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South
Middle Park |
925 | Vicia americana ssp. americana American Vetch |
Fabaceae legume family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper North
926 | Vicia faba Fava Bean |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
927 | Vicia sativa ssp. nigra Garden Vetch |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
928 | Vicia sativa ssp. sativa Garden Vetch |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Lower Park |
929 | Vicia villosa ssp. varia Winter Vetch |
Fabaceae legume family |
Introduced | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
930 | Vinca major Periwinkle |
Apocynaceae dogbane family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
931 | Viola odorata English Violet |
Violaceae violet family |
Introduced | Perennial
Herb |
Lower Park |
932 | Viola purpurea ssp. quercetorum Oakwoods Violet |
Violaceae violet family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
933 | Vitis californica California Wild Grape |
Vitaceae grape family |
Native | Perennial
Vine |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
934 | Washingtonia robusta Mexican Fan Palm |
Arecaceae palm family |
Introduced | Perennial Evergreen Tree |
Lower Park |
935 | Wolffia borealis Northern Watermeal |
Araceae Arum family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South |
936 | Woodwardia fimbriata Giant Chain Fern |
Blechnaceae deer fern family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Lower Park |
937 | Wyethia angustifolia Narrow-leaved Mule’s-ears |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Perennial
Herb |
Upper South Upper North
938 | Xanthium spinosum Spiny Cocklebur |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Lower Park |
939 | Xanthium strumarium Cocklebur |
Asteraceae sunflower or composite family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park Lower Park |
940 | Yabea microcarpa False Hedge-parsley |
Apiaceae carrot or umbel family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper South Upper North Middle Park |
941 | Zelkova serrota Japanese Zelkova |
Ulmaceae elm family |
Introduced | Perennial Deciduous Tree |
Lower Park |
942 | Zeltera venusta Canchalagua |
Gentianaceae gentian family |
Native | Annual
Herb |
Upper North