Common Name Scientific Name |
Blooming Period | Locations | Dispersal Agents | Photo Link |
Control Method | Habitats / Comments | |
Plants ranked #1 on park priority list: Highly invasive. Should have immediate management | ||||||||
Algerian ivy Hedera canariensis |
Mid-Sept | Lower and Middle Park | Vegetative, birds | Riparian, woodland, encroaching from neighboring residential properties | |||
American pokeweed Phytolacca americana |
Early Jul-Oct. | Lower and Middle Park | Birds | Riparian; spreading rapidly in Bidwell Park, becoming a fairly common weed in the Chico Urban Area. | |||
Barbed goatgrass Aegilops triuncialis |
Early May | Upper Park 100′ east of start of Middle Trail by Lot A, Pine Trailhead, Guardian Trail by Pine Trail | wind | CDFA | Only a few infestations, should eradicate before it spreads | ||
Bladder senna Colutea arborescens |
Late May-Jun. | Lower Park; Cedar Grove, Five Mile | human, gravity; indehiscent | Riparian, Valley Oak Woodland; Came from 1 plant in 1890s. Control attempted in past, focused eradication program started by FOBP in May, 2003 with about 1M plants removed so far. People spread seeds by "popping" pods as they walk through the park. | |||
Broomsedge bluestem Andropogon virginicus |
Early Sept. | Upper Park | GISD | Moist to wet soil along streams, on seeps, along ponds, in pastures. Native to eastern U.S., destroying park’s wetlands. CA native species in same area–needs careful ID before removal. | |||
Chinese tallowtree Sapium sebiferum |
One Mile Way, between picnic 24-25 | birds | TISI, TNC | ||||
Edible fig Ficus carica |
Late Mar.-Apr. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Birds, Mammals | Riparian, very large trees near old cabin site on Ten Mile House Rd and in former deer pen | |||
English ivy Hedera helix |
Mid-Sept. | Lower and Middle Park | Vegetative, birds | No Ivy League | Riparian, Valley Oak Woodland; mature ivy encroaching from many South Park Drive neighbors | ||
French broom Genista monspessulana |
Late Mar.-Jul. | Middle Park by Hooker Oak Recreation Area | Gravity, Water | Riparian, Valley Oak, and Foothill Woodland; disturbed road edges; | |||
French tamarisk Tamarix ramoissima |
Early Apr.-May | One plant in Upper Park upstream of Day Camp, Lindo Channel | Wind | TISI, TNC | Riparian; dispersed by millions of dust-like seeds | ||
Giant reed, Arundo Arundo donax |
Early Oct. | Lost Park, Lower and Middle Park, Lindo Channel | Spread by rhizomes moved during flooding | TISI, TNC | Riparian; control underway since 2000 by City of Chico; about 110 mapped sites, roots and rhizomes tenacious. Big Chico Creek Watershed Alliance eradication project in Lindo Channel and BCC upstream of Five Mile Dam 2005-2008 appears to have killed most of the remaining arundo–needs annual monitoring & possible respraying by Park staff. | ||
Himalayan blackberry Rubus armeniacus |
Early May-June | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Birds Mammals | TISI, TNC | Riparian-Valley Oak Woodland; can be confused with native blackberry, City of Chico has used burning, Salt Creek Crews & goats for control | ||
Italian plumeless thistle Carduus pycnocephalus |
Mid April-June | Guardian Trail, lower end of Yahi | wind, humans, animals | TISI, TNC | Grassland, Oak Woodland-three known populations–two on Guardian Trail by former BLM property, one on Yahi near start of trail | ||
Japanese privet Ligustrum japonicum |
Late spring-early summer | Lost Park, Annie’s Glen, Camellia Way Park, Lower, Middle & Upper Park | Birds | TISI, TNC | Riparian, Valley Oak Woodland; Widely planted horticultural shrub, 264 mapped sites in park, eradication underway at Five Mile & in Lower Park. As of 2009, last major infestations at golf course, area east of Caper Acres and between Crister/Madrone near Vallombrosa Ave. | ||
Klamath weed, St. John’s wort Hypericum perforatum |
Late April-Oct | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Grassland, Foothill Woodland | ||||
Mediterranean hackberry Celtis australis |
Apr. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Birds | May be the most prevalent hackberry species in Park. Spreading rapidly from original 1900 plantings in Cedar Grove. Major infestations on both sides of creek in this area. | |||
Medusahead grass Taeniatherum caput-medusae |
Late Mar. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Mammals | TISI, TNC | Annual Grassland; common grass in Upper Park; can be controlled with fire and grazing; some controlled burns done by City of Chico | ||
Olive Olea europaea |
Late May-Jun. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park; old grove south of golf course | Birds | Riparian, Foothill Woodland; can form very dense canopies; spreading up canyon on both sides of creek, UC Davis research project may provide map of Upper Park locations | |||
Perennial pepperweed, tall whitetop Lepidium latifolium |
Early May-Sept. | Lower Park | Wind, Water, Animals? | TISI, TNC | Riparian; roots can exceed 20 feet in depth, small infestation eradicated with herbicide at walnut orchard area in 2003, needs annual monitoring of area by park staff | ||
Periwinkle Vinca major |
Mid Jan.-Jul. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Vegetative | TISI, TNC | Riparian, Valley Oak Woodland; forms dense sprawling mats that smother all other understory species; displaces California Grape, Native Blackberry, Pipevine, etc. | ||
Puncturevine Tribulus terrestris |
Early May-Oct. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Mammals (shoes and tires) | Disturbed road and trail margins; a painful nuisance to barefoot children, dogs, and troublesome to bicyclists, FOBP monitors/removes in Lower Park, Park contracts herbicide spraying along Upper Park Road | |||
Smooth hawthorn Crataegus laevigata |
Mid Apr. | Lower, Middle & Upper Park | Need to confirm species. Becoming prevalent in Lower and Middle Park from experimental plantings at the old Bidwell Forestry Station (now Cedar Grove) in Lower Park. Difficult to eradicate due to root structure, large, thorny mass of woody debris to be removed | ||||
Spanish broom Spartium junceum |
Early Mar-Jul. | Upper Park | Gravity | TISI, TNC | Riparian, Valley Oak Woodland; Common and increasingly widespread on disturbed stream edges and along Hwy 32. Eradication efforts since 1995 by CNPS | ||
Tree of heaven Ailanthus altissima |
Late Apr.-May | Lost Park, Annie’s Glen, Lower and Middle Park | root sprouts, wind | TISI, TNC | Riparian, Valley Oak Woodland; Increasingly common and widespread tree, FOBP eradication effort since 2005, volunteer licensed herbicide applicator uses basal bark treatment of Garlon 4–very effective if used in late summer & fall | ||
Western Catalpa Catalpa speciosa |
Early May | Lower and Middle Park | water | Riparian Woodland; FOBP mapped locations in 2007, will need permits to eradicate/revegetate by creek | |||
Yellow starthistle Centaurea solstitialis |
Most months | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Wind | TISI, TNC | Annual Grassland, openings in Woodland; abundant and widespread; can be controlled with fire and grazing | ||
Plants ranked #2 on park priority list: Moderately invasive. Should provide management when possible | ||||||||
Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia |
Mid April-May | Lower Park, Lost Park, Annie’s Glen, Upper Park by Green Gate | Gravity, water, animals? | TISI, TNC | Widely naturalized along streams on the valley floor and in the foothills; scattered in lower coniferous forest. Native to eastern U.S. | ||
Bouncingbet Saponaria officinalis |
Late June-Oct | Upper Park | |||||
Bull thistle Cirsium vulgare |
Most months | Upper Park | Wind | Riparian areas, marshes and meadows | |||
Bur-chervil Anthriscus caucalis |
Early March-April | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | People and other animals | Should try to control in high-use areas and along trails | |||
Canada thistle Cirsium arvense |
Late Jul.-Sept. | Wind | GISD | Troublesome in riparian areas, need to verify that it’s in the park | |||
Cheat grass, Downy brome Bromus tectorum |
Early May | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Mammals, Wind | TISI, TNC | Annual Grassland | ||
Cork or rock elm Ulmus thomasii |
Cedar Grove area | Very localized infestation–need to remove many of the smaller trees, girdling will leave areas of fire-prone dead 6-8′ trees | |||||
Eastern or common hackberry Celtis occidentalis |
Lower, Middle and Upper Park | ||||||
European privet Ligustrum vulgare |
Early spring-early summer | Lower and Middle Park | Birds | TISI, TNC |
Much less prevalent than Japanese privet. According to literature, must remove most of root system to eradicate. |
Garden (Salad) burnet Sanguisorba minor muricata |
May-August | Upstream end of Upper Park |
Extensive root system, need to control to prevent spread from BCCER |
Italian arum Arum italicum |
Early May | Lower Park | Vegetatively, corms moved by underground rodents | Very prevalent in One Mile area especially east of Caper Acres, difficult to eradicate | |||
Italian thistle Carduus tenuiflorus |
Upper Park | ||||||
Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense |
Late May | Lower and Upper Park | Rhizomes | TISI, TNC | Moist to dry fields, orchards, lawns, roadsides, waste places. Native to Mediterranean. | ||
Milk thistle Silybum marianum |
Early March-June | Lower Park, Upper Park by Horseshoe Lake | TISI, TNC | Should try to eradicate in high-use areas | |||
Pampas grass Cortaderia selloana |
Early Sept. | Lower and Middle Park | Wind | GISD | Riparian, Valley Oak Woodland; popular in landscaping , 2 patches at Five Mile, one along S. Park Dr., 2 locations on Vallombrosa Ave. | ||
Pennsylvania blackberry Rubus pensilvanicus |
Mid May-July | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | |||||
Pyracantha, Chinese firethorn Pyracantha angustifolia |
Late May-Jun | Lower Park | Birds | Riparian, Valley Oak Woodland | |||
Red or foxtail brome Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens |
Early June | Lower Park | TISI, TNC | Native to Australia | |||
Silver maple Acer saccharinum |
Early Spring | Lower Park | Wind | Widely planted street and shade tree that volunteers along creeks and river. Native to eastern N. America. | |||
Tall fescue Festuca arundinacea |
Mid-April | Upper Park | TISI, TNC | Grassland, Foothill Woodland | |||
Thornless (elmleaf) blackberry Rubus ulmifolius var inermis |
Early May-June | Lower Park | Birds, vegetatively | Dense growth (about 30' x 150') at picnic site #8. Mentioned in Big Chico Creek Existing Conditions Report & Joe DiTomaso's Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West | |||
Tocalote, Malta starthistle Centaurea melitensis |
Late Mar.-Jul. | Upper Park | Wind, Mammals | GISD | Annual Grassland, Foothill Woodland; occasional weed; can be confused with Yellow Star Thistle; old plants can flower in the Fall and early Winter | ||
Tumbleweed, pigweed Amaranthus albus |
Early May-Sept | Upper Park | |||||
Woolly or common mullein Verbascum thapsus |
Early Mar.-Oct. | Lower and Upper Park | Wind | TISI, TNC | Riparian and disturbed areas in Woodlands; common along road edges in the County | ||
Plants ranked #3 on park priority list: Low to moderately invasive. Should monitor. | ||||||||
Almond prunus dulcis |
Mid Feb-Aprilo | Lower and Middle Park | squirrels | ||||
American elm Ulmus americana |
Spring | Lower and Middle Park | Wind | Widely planted street tree. It volunteers freely along Big Chico Creek, particularly on the University campus, but so far has not been found outside the urban area. Native to eastern U.S. | |||
Black mustard Brassica nigra |
Upper Park | Grassland, Foothill Woodland | |||||
Brazilian pepper tree Schinus terebinthifolius |
Cedar Grove | TISI, TNC | |||||
Camphor Cinnamomum camphora |
Late spring | Lower Park | birds | CAIP, UoF | Spreads easily by seed, can create thousands of seedlings from one tree | ||
Cherry or purple leaf plum Prunus cerasifera |
Late Feb-Apr. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Birds | Widely naturalized along Sacramento River and other streams from the valley floor into foothill canyons. Native to southeast Europe. | |||
Chinese hackberry Celtis sinensis |
Lower and Middle Park | seed | |||||
Chinese pistache Pistacia chinensis |
Late March-April | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Birds | Very common in Lower Park; may want to eradicate female trees to prevent further spreading | |||
Common myrtle Myrtle communis |
4th St. entrance & along Woodland | birds | Doesn’t seem to spread very quickly | ||||
Cotoneaster Cotoneaster franchet (?) pannosa (?) |
Spring | Cedar Grove | Need to determine exact species | ||||
Field bindweed Convolvuulas arvensis |
Early April-Oct | Upper Park | TISI, TNC | Grassland | |||
Golden bamboo Phyllostachys aurea |
Lower Park on S. Park Dr. | Wide-creeping rootstocks form solid stands | Small patches creeping in from adjoining residence on S. Park Dr and along path from E 8th St. entrance east of Hwy 99 | ||||
Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica |
Early May-June | Lower Park | TISI, TNC | ||||
Mediterranean, hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana |
Most Months | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Gravity, Wind | Annual Grassland, Riparian, Foothill Woodland; perennial weed of dry disturbed places | |||
Moonwort Lunaria annua |
Mid Apr. | Lower Park: CSUC Campus | Gravity | Riparian Woodland, landscaped areas, in field east of Hwy 99 on south side of creek | |||
Northern California black walnut Juglans hindsii |
April-May | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Mammals | Riparian Woodland; no known native stands of Juglans hindsii in Butte County, widely naturalized, under consideration as invasive plant in Bidwell Park because it may significantly reduce oak regeneration | |||
Pecan Carya illinoinensis |
Spring | Lower Park | Squirrels, scrub jays | Escapee from cultivation. Often confused with black walnut | |||
Prickly lettuce Lactuca serriola |
Early April-Nov | Upper Park | Cal-IPC considers it an agricultural weed | ||||
redtip photinia Photinia x fraseri |
Lower Park | birds | |||||
Silktree, mimosa Albizia julibrissin |
summer and fall | Hooker Oak, near Lower Park walnut orchard | GISD | common Chico tree, spreads easily, seed viable for 50 years, should eradicate the few trees in the park to prevent spread | |||
Virginia creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia |
Lower Park, north side along creekside trail | birds | |||||
White mulberry. Morus alba |
Mid Mar-Apr. | Middle and Upper Park | Birds | Along streams and roads. The plant is dioecious, female trees producing blackberry-like fruits that ripen reddish to black. Native to China. May want to eliminate female trees to prevent spread. | |||
Plants ranked #4 on park priority list: Invasive, but too widespread to manage | ||||||||
Beardgrass, rabbit’s foot grass Polypogon monspeliensis |
Early Feb | Upper Park | |||||
Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon |
Mid May | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | vegetatively, seed | TISI, TNC | |||
Big heronbill Erodium botrys |
Early March-June | Upper Park by Alligator Hole | Cal-IPC considers impacts to be negligible. | ||||
Bird’s-foot-trefoil Lotus corniculatus |
Early April-Sept | Upper Park | Cal-IPC considers it to be primarily an agricultural weed. | ||||
Birdsrape mustard Brassica rapa |
Early Dec-June | Upper Park by Bear Hole | |||||
Bulbous bluegrass Poa Bulbosa |
Early March | Upper Park by Brown’s Hole | |||||
Bur clover Medicago polymorpha |
Late Feb-June | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Prefers some shade and is most abundant under brush and trees. | ||||
Chicory Cichorium intybus |
Late May-Nov | Lower and Upper Park | |||||
Creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera |
Early June | Middle Park by Lindo Channel | |||||
Curly dock Rumex crispus |
Lower, Middle & Upper Park | wind, water | |||||
Curlyleaf pondweed Potamogeton crispus |
Late May | Horseshoe Lake | GISD | ||||
Cut-leaf blackberry Rubus laciniatus |
Early May-Sept | Middle Park by Lindo Channel | |||||
Cutleaf geranium Geranium dissectum |
Early March-June | Upper Park | |||||
Dallisgrass Paspalum dilatatum |
Early May | Upper Park | |||||
Dovefoot geranium Geranium molle |
Early March-April | Upper Park by Salmon Hole | Cal-IPC comment" wildland impacts negligible" | ||||
Everlasting pea Lathyrus latifolius |
Mid May-Oct | Upper Park-golf course, Annie’s Glen | |||||
False brome Brachypodium distachyon |
Late April | Upper Park by Bear Hole | |||||
Foxtail or rattail fescue Vulpia bromoides |
Early March | Upper Park by Bear Hole | Cal-IPC comment: "less common than v. myuros" | ||||
Fragrant water lily Nymphaea odorata |
Mid May-August | Horseshoe Lake | |||||
Hairy or winter vetch Vicia Villosa |
Early March-June | Upper Park by Rod and Gun Club | Cal-IPC–"widespread but minor impacts in wildlands" | ||||
Hedgehog dogtail grass Cynosurus echinatus |
Early May | Upper Park | |||||
Hedgeparsley Torilis arvensis |
Late April-July | Upper Park North Rim | |||||
Honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos |
Lower Park-Cedar Grove, Five Mile | Cal-IPC–"very limited distribution" | |||||
Hyssop loosestrife Lythrum hyssopifolium |
Early May-Sept | Upper Park | |||||
Indian or yellow sweet clover Melilotus indica |
Mid April-June | Upper Park by Bear Hole | Cal-IPC-"present in human-disturbed habitats only" | ||||
Italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorum |
Mid Dec. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Wind, Mammals, Water | Annual Grassland, Riparian; dominates clay soils, one of most common grasses in park | |||
Kentucky bluegrass Poa pratensis ssp. Pratensis |
Mid April | Upper Park by Salmon Hole | TISI, TNC | ||||
Maritime beard grass Polypogon maritimus |
Early April | Upper Park-Horseshoe Lake | |||||
Mediterranean barley Hordeum marinum |
Late March | Upper Park by Rod and Gun Club | TISI, TNC | ||||
Obtuse filaree Erodium brachycarpum |
Late Dec-July | Upper Park by Horseshoe Lake | Cal-IPC-"impacts are negligible, transient" | ||||
Orchard grass Dactylis glomerata |
Mid April | Upper Park by end of Yahi Trail | |||||
Oysterplant, salsify Tragopogon porrifolius |
Early April-June | Lower Park by Hwy 99 | |||||
Queen Anne’s lace Daucus carota |
Late April-Oct | Lower Park | TISI, TNC | According to Cal-IPC-"widespread especialy on roadsides" | |||
Red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis |
Early Feb. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Wind, Mammals | ||||
Red-stemmed filaree Erodium cicutarium |
most months | Upper Park Lot P | |||||
Ripgut brome Bromus diandrus |
Late Feb. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Mammals, Wind | Annual Grassland; common grass in Bidwell Park | |||
Rose clover Trifolium hirtum |
Late March-June, also early fall | Upper Park | |||||
Russian thistle, tumbleweed Salsola tragus |
Mid June-Nov | Middle Park-Lindo Channel | GISD | ||||
Silver hair grass Aira caryophyllea |
Mid January | Upper Park North Rim | Cal-IPC-"widespread in grasslands, impacts negligible" | ||||
Slender wild oat Avena barbata |
Mid Jan. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Mammal, Wind | Annual Grassland, openings in Woodland; common grass | |||
Smooth catsear Hypochaeris glabra |
Late Feb-July | Upper Park Lot R | |||||
Soft brome Bromus hordeaceus |
Late January | Upper Park | |||||
Spiny sowthistle Sonchus asper |
Most months | Upper Park Bear Hole | Cal-IPC-"primarily agricultural weed" | ||||
Subterranean clover Trifolium subterraneum |
Early March-June | Upper Park E. end of Yahi Trail | |||||
Tangier pea Lathyrus tingitanus |
Early Feb-July | Upper Park by Bear Hole | |||||
Velvet Grass Holcus lanatus |
Mid April | Upper Park | TISI, TNC | ||||
White horehound Marrubium vulgare |
Mid April-June, Sept | Upper Park | |||||
White sweet-clover Melilotus alba |
Early March-Dec | Upper Park by Rod and Gun Club | TISI, TNC | ||||
White-stemmed filaree Erodium moschatum |
Late Feb-May | Upper Park | Cal-IPC "primarily an agricultural weed" | ||||
Wild mustard Sinapis arvensis |
Mid Oct-May | Upper Park by Day Camp | |||||
Wild oat Avena fatua |
Late Dec. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Mammals, Wind | Annual Grassland, openings in Woodland; common grass | |||
Yellow nutsedge Cyperus esculentus |
Mid July | Middle Park-Diversion Dam | |||||
Yellow Salsify Tragopogon dubius |
Mid March-Oct | Upper Park | Cal-IPC "Generally a minor component of disturbed area" | ||||
Plants ranked #5 on park priority list: Non-native, but do not appear to be invasive | ||||||||
Bee-balm Melissa officinalis |
Early June-Sept | Upper Park | |||||
Black Cherry Prunus serotina |
Lower Park-Cedar Grove | ||||||
English plantain Plantago lanceolata |
Mid April-Oct | Upper Park | |||||
Green wattle Acacia decurrens (arabica?) (melanoxion?) |
Early Feb.-Mar. | Lower Park; Cedar Grove | Wind | Riparian-Valley Oak Woodland, road edges-need to confirm species | |||
Japanese zelkova Zelkova serrata |
Lower and Middle Park | spread by seed | On Chico's approved Street Tree List, planted in Cedar Grove Forestry Station | ||||
London plane tree Platanus acerifolia |
Late Mar.-Apr. | Lower, Middle and Upper Park | Wind and water | Widely naturalized along most valley and foothill streams. It may have a reproductive advantage over the native sycamore since it appears to be resistant to sycamore anthracnose, which causes die back of twigs and flowers in native sycamore. |
Ranking Key
High-severe ecological impacts on physical processes, plant and animal communities and vegetation structure. Most are widely distributed ecologically.
M: Moderate-substantial and apparent-but generally not severe-ecological impacts on physical processes, plant and animal communities and vegetation structure. Moderate to high rates of dispersal; establishment generally dependent upon ecological disturbance.
Limited-invasive but their ecological impacts are minor on a statewide level or there was not enough information to justify a higher score. Ecological amplitude and distribution are generally limited, but these species may be locally persistent and problematic.
E: Evaluated but not listed–either lack sufficient information to assign rating or available information indicates that the species does not have significant impacts at the present time.
UC: Under consideration for future List update
CA: California Dept. of Food and Agriculture Noxious Weed Ratings
C: “C” List of Noxious weeds; includes species that are so widespread that the agency does not endorse state or county-funded eradication or containment efforts except in nurseries or seed lots.
Q: Temporary “A” rating pending determination of a permanent rating.
UC: Under consideration
BC: Butte County
Key to Control Method abbreviations:
Cal-IPC: The California Invasive Plant Council
CAIP, UoF: University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
No Ivy League: The Ivy Removal Project (a.k.a. the No Ivy League)
GISD: Global Invasive Species Database
CDFA: California Department of Food & Agriculture
Information Sources
- Personal observations by park users:
- Big Chico Creek Watershed Existing Conditions Report (Big Chico Creek Watershed Alliance, 2000):
- Butte County Department of Agriculture Weed Management Area brochure-list titled “Butte County’s Noxious Weeds of Special Concern”:
- CalFlora Database:
- California Department of Food and Agriculture :
- California Invasive Plant Council 1999 rankings:
- California State University, Chico Herbarium database-list of plants collected from Bidwell Park:
- Chico Forestry Station and Nursery 1918 planting maps:
- The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California (Hickman, J., Ed., 1993). :
- Invasive Plants of California’s Wildlands (Bossard, C., Randall, J., Hoshovsky, M., Ed, 2000):
- Lost Arboretum: Name Changes and Other Information (Wes Dempsey, distributed at February 22, 2004 walk) :
- Proposed Annie Bidwell Trail Botanical Resource Assessment (California State University Research Foundation, 2000):
- A Resource Inventory of Upper Bidwell Park Expansion Area (California State University Research Foundation, 2000) :
- Selected Plants of Northern California (Vernon Oswald, 2002):
- Survey for Special Status Botanical Species for the City of Chico’s Bidwell Park Trails Project (Kristiaan Stuart, 2002):
- Vascular Plants of Upper Bidwell Park (Vernon Oswald, 1986) :
- Vascular Plants of Butte County (Vernon Oswald, 1994):
Most species nomenclature follows The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California
(Hickman, J., Ed., 1993). Common Names and additional information follows
Selected Plants of Northern California and Adjacent Nevada (Oswald, V. 2002)
Bidwell Park Invasive Plant Watch List
To date, these plants have not been identified in Bidwell Park. However, they are considered
very invasive in nearby areas and should be added to the Priority 1 list if or when they are found
in the park.
Common Name Scientific Name |
Reason for Inclusion | Photo Link |
Control Method |
(no common name) Myoporum laetum |
On Cal-IPC Invasive Trees of Central CA | Cal-IPC | |
Artichoke thistle, Cardoon Cynara cardunculus |
Found in other local watersheds | ||
Black acacia Acacia melanoxylon |
On Cal-IPC Invasive Trees of Central CA | GISD | |
Carob tree Ceratonia siliqua |
seeds spread easily | ||
Creeping water primrose Ludwigia uruguayeniss |
On Butte County’s invasive plant list | ||
Diffuse knapweed Centaurea diffusa |
On Butte County’s invasive plant list | TISI, TNC | |
Hoary cress Cardaria draba |
On Glenn County’s invasive plant list | ||
Japanese dodder Cuscuta japonica choisy |
Cultural uses for plant indicate it may be in Butte County | ||
Parrot Feather Myriophyllum aquaticum |
On Butte County’s invasive plant list | GISD | |
Peruvian pepper tree Schinus molle |
On Cal-IPC Invasive Trees of Central CA | ||
Plumeless thistle Carduus acanthiodes |
On Glenn County’s invasive plant list | ||
Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria |
On Butte County’s invasive plant list | TISI, TNC | |
Purple starthistle Centaurea calcitrapa |
On Glenn County’s invasive plant list | ||
Rush skeletonweed Chondrilla juncea |
On Butte County’s invasive plant list | ||
Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia |
On Cal-IPC Invasive Trees of Central CA | TISI, TNC | |
Scarlet wisteria Sesbania punicea |
at Lake Oroville-Red Alert | TISI, TNC | |
Scotch broom Cytisus scoparius |
Found in other local watersheds | TISI, TNC | |
Slender false-brome Brachypodium sylvaticum |
Problem in areas further north | ||
Spotted knapweed Centaurea maculosa |
On Butte County’s invasive plant list | TISI, TNC | |
Stinkweed Dittrichia graveolens |
Cal-IPC 2008 Symposium alert | ||
White horsenettle Solanum elaeagnifolium |
On Glenn County’s invasive plant list | ||
Wild fennel Foeniculum vulgare |
Found nearby, very invasive in other areas | TISI, TNC |