Baseline Trail Condition Survey

On Monday, June 23, the Park Commission will hear a report on the Upper Bidwell Park Baseline Trail Condition Survey. This document was scheduled to be out over two years ago and…

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A Walk in the Park – May 15, 2023

The grasses are drying out quickly in the foothills and turning brown as summer approaches. However, in Lower Bidwell Park it is still green and lush thanks to the bountiful rain we’ve…

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A Walk in the Park – May Flowers, May 1, 2023

It’s been a while (March 2022) since I’ve written “A Walk in the Park”. I’ve been walking some, just not writing. I had to take time off from walking last year as…

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A Walk in the Park – March 28, 2022

A Walk in the Park – March 28, 2022 by Tom Barrett

I was excited to get into the Park this morning after our brief and insubstantial rain yesterday. It…

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A Walk In the Park – March 21, 2022

A Walk In the Park – March 21, 2022 by Tom Barrett

The first day of Spring in the Park. In the early morning light the newly emerged, translucent…

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A Walk In The Park – March 2022

A Walk In The Park – March 2022 by Tom Barrett

Since being quarantined two years ago with the start of the Covid pandemic I started to walk every…

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New Park Commissioners

Four new Park Commissioners joined the three sitting Commissioners (Anna Blackmon Moore, Lise Smith-Peters, and Jeffry Glatz). New Commissioners include: Jesse Alexander, Anjanette Shadley, Megan Thomas Petty, and Nancy Wolfe.