Request For Proposals To Update The Bidwell Park Master Management Plan
The City of Chico Park Department will be hiring a consultant specializing in park planning, recreation facilities management and natural resource management to update the Bidwell Park Master Management Plan. Tasks will include incorporating current management practices into the existing document, and presenting a proposed revised master plan to the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission for review and conceptual approval. Conducting the environmental review on the plan is not part of this contract.
The final product will be a clearly written and understood document that is web site application friendly and easily understood. The Plan will make a clear distinction between the physical plan, implementing policies and management/operational practices.
Completing the work outlined in this proposal will require the expertise, guidance, and ongoing involvement of the necessary disciplines to successfully complete the complex project. The involvement of an experienced trail planning/management professional will be important. A complete project description is provided in Section II below.
Comprising of 3,670 acres, Bidwell Park is a dramatic natural resource for the citizens of Chico and the surrounding region. Originally established by a gift to the City of Chico from General and Mrs. John Bidwell in 1905 and 1911, Bidwell Park is one of the largest municipal parks in the United States. The Park is approximately 92 miles from Sacramento, 72 miles from Redding, and 170 miles north of San Francisco. The Sacramento and Redding metropolitan areas are within the Park’s one to two hour travel time zone, while the Bay Area is within the three to four hour zone. The Park extends in a northeasterly direction from the City of Chico, approximately 10 miles into the foothills.
The Park is bisected, east to west, by Big Chico Creek, a year-round stream, and by State Highway 99, which passes north to south through the westerly, or lower portion of, the Park. Big Chico Creek, Lindo Channel, and Sycamore Creek Channel, flow in a westerly direction from the foothills east of the Park. These drainage courses serve as parkland corridors that link the Sacramento River area (Bidwell River Park) with Bidwell Park. The Park is divided into three main areas: Lower Park, Middle Park, and Upper Park.
Lower Park is a narrow, predominantly oak/sycamore riparian corridor along Big Chico Creek. It is accessible from several streets along its perimeter, some of which pass through the park. The magnificent woodlands, alluvial meadows, and occasional turf areas are actively used for recreation and constitute a 400 acre “front yard” for park users. Lower Park is within the northern portion of the Great Valley Landscape Province. Lower Park is divided into two sections by the Mangrove Avenue Bridge which crosses Big Chico Creek. Lower Park East includes wider areas and receives more intensive use than Lower Park West.
Middle Park is a mixed use area which forms a transition between the higher intensity uses of the Lower Park woodlands and the lower intensity uses of Upper Park. Middle Park (the area between Hooker Oak and Horseshoe Lake) is accessible via two access roads. It includes swimming and picnic areas, a softball complex, horse arena, rod and gun club. Horseshoe Lake, an observatory, and an 18-hole public golf course.
Upper Park is composed of a natural canyon with an elevation change of up to 1,000 feet from the creek bed to the canyon rim. Access to Upper Park is provided by one public road. Upper Park is within the Sierra Foothill and Low Coastal Mountains Landscape Province which primarily includes a foothill/woodland habitat. The upper canyon area contains unique geologic rock formations, particularly adjacent to the creek bed. A major electric power transmission line (500 kV) crosses Upper Park, east of the golf course. Upper Park includes swimming holes in Big Chico Creek, and both bike and pedestrian trails.
In 1995, the City of Chico purchased an additional 1,417 acres of land and added it to the Park, increasing the Park’s size to 3,670 acres. The location of the property is generally defined as being east of Big Chico Creek, north of the Bidwell Park Municipal Golf Course, and west of State Route 32. There are approximately 17 miles of multi-use, low use trails in the new addition area. The trails are scattered throughout the site and range in elevation from 200 feet to over 1,200 feet. In general the trails run east and west through the length of the Park and along various locations at the contour of the slope. Primary trails include Lower Trail, Ten Mile House Road, and Upper Trail (South Rim Trail). As discussed more fully below, this recent acquisition area is not presently covered in the adopted Bidwell Park Master Management Plan, and no formal plan or management strategies have been developed for this area except the proposed disc golf facility along State Route 32. However, draft resource zones have been prepared in advance of this project.
Numerous wildlife and fish species occupy Bidwell Park, as well as some rare and sensitive plant species. The Park also contains significant archaeological and historic resources.
The existing Master Management Plan was approved in 1990. As the policy and management document for Bidwell Park, it provides the fundamental vision and strategies to achieve specific goals and objectives. While the Plan has not been comprehensively updated since its original adoption, various components have been modified and updated since 1990. Examples include a new Trail Manual, revised information and techniques for vegetation management, signage, volunteer programs and circulation. During this intervening time, there have also been several changes to the rules and regulations that have, and will, affect public use and enjoyment of Bidwell Park.
II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project has several basic components:
- Compile the current policies and management practices which will be incorporated into the existing Bidwell Park Master Management Plan.
- Provide the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission an opportunity to identify specific issues, projects or policies it would like to have reviewed and receive comment, on during public discussion.
- Present the products from Items 1 and 2 above to a Citizens Task Force for review and comment. During this step, the consultant will be expected to assess community attitudes and priorities through two surveys. One, of users of Bidwell Park, and a second of the general community whether they are frequent users or not. The end product will be a set of recommendations for consideration by the BPPC. In addition, any information deficiencies will be identified and responded to prior to finalizing recommendations to the BPPC.Note, this project includes update and review of the physical master plan for Bidwell Park and updating and, where necessary, expanding existing management policies.
- Prepare Draft Initial Study for the Administrative Draft of the Bidwell Park Master Management Plan UpdateUpon completion of the administrative draft Bidwell Park Master Management Plan Update, prepare a draft Initial Study (IS), complying with the California Environmental Quality Act/Guidelines and City of Chico standards, to assess the environmental impacts of master plan adoption and implementation. The IS shall be prepared using the City of Chico community Development department – Planning Division checklist format. The IS will be used to identify potential environmental issues, and facilitate plan revisions to minimize impacts where possible and/or appropriate.
- Prepare Final Initial Study for the Draft Bidwell Park Master Management Plan UpdateUpon completion of the draft Bidwell Park Master Management Plan Update, revise the Initial Study as needed to reflect changes in the plan. The IS will be used to determine the appropriate environmental document for plan adoption and implementation. Preparation of additional environmental documents is not included in this scope of work.
A separate contract will be awarded for the environmental review which will be prepared, circulated and presented to the City Council for review and approval, at the time the Bidwell Park Master Management Plan is adopted.
In preparation for this project, the City has gathered and compiled a significant amount of resource information relative to Bidwell Park. Most of those documents are in electronic format and will be made available for this project (see Section XII for a list of available documents).
Public Involvement
Bidwell Park is a center piece of public attention, involvement and volunteerism. There is a rich diversity of expectations as to what should, or should not, occur within the Park and how those expectations should be addressed. As a result, public participation will be expected and encouraged, including the offers to help gather information. Early in the project, requests for information will need to be made to ensure that resource and background information are brought into the project as soon as possible. Offers have been made to assist in providing lists of rare plants known or presumed to be in the Park, to map general locations of rare plants and animals, to provide lists of invasive plants, to assist in developing weed control strategies, to organize birding field days in the Park, and to assist with fuel management strategies. Offers of assistance would not provide impact level information; however, prospective consultants will be required to demonstrate how these offers can best be pursued to keep costs down and public participation maximized and beneficial.
In addition, to encourage public involvement and awareness of the project, routine updates will be provided via the City’s web site. The successful consultant will be expected to post periodic updates, documents and any other information that encourages public participation and involvement.
The Park Department anticipates that the following topics or issues will be of particular importance in successfully completing this project (not in any particular order):
- Future plans for the Kennedy Addition (Walnut Orchard)
- Future plans for Cedar Grove
- Specific plan for the Horseshoe Lake area including parking, circulation and uses for the area.
- Trail Plan for Upper Bidwell Park
- Future plans for the new addition including access and management practices
- Circulation (all modes)
- Future plans for Upper Park Road and parking areas
- Fire management plan
The above list is not exhaustive, but illustrates specific items that will be of particular interest in successfully updating the current plan. Refer to Attachment A for detailed discussion of specific issues that will be addressed. Finalizing this list will take place during the early phase of the project through discussion with the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission.
The Consultant shall deliver the following products:
- Administrative Draft of the Proposed Master Management Plan – 5 copies to the City.
- Draft Initial Study – 5 copies to the City.
- Preliminary Master Management Plan – 25 copies with one reproducible originals with one electronic version (CD).
- Initial Study for the Preliminary Master Management Plan -1 reproducible original and one electronic version (CD).
The Consultant proposal should anticipate and reflect attendance and representation of the following meetings:
- Project initiation meeting
- Issues scoping workshop with City staff and park user groups
- Three coordination meetings with City and responsible agency staff
- Two meetings with Bidwell Park and Playground Commission to identify issues to be addressed by the Citizen Task Force
- Up to Eight meetings with the Citizens Task Force
- Two meetings with the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission to review and decide on Task Force recommendations
- One meeting to present the Preliminary Master Management Plan.
The proposal shall be based upon and incorporate all of the provisions identified in this Request for Proposal (RFP). The proposal should be submitted in a format that can readily be incorporated into the City’s standard form Professional Services Agreement as Exhibits “A” – Project Description, “B” – Scope of Services and Completion Schedule, and “D” Compensation. Generally, the proposal should include the information specified below. The Consultant is encouraged to include any additional items deemed desirable or necessary.
Approach and Work Program The Consultant shall describe an overall approach to the project work program for accomplishing the project objectives, specific techniques to be used, and specific administrative and operational management expertise that would be employed.
Consultant’s assumptions in preparation of the proposal shall be on a separate page titled, “Assumptions Upon Which This Proposal is Based.” This section should also specify those documents, maps and studies the Consultant will expect to have provided by the City.
The proposed shall include a section detailing the schedule the various work items described in the work program. Time frames should be stated in terms of the number of calendar days required to complete the specified tasks, using the City’s notice to proceed as the start date. The schedule should identify the time periods as the total elapsed time from start up. The schedule will include a 15-day time period for City review of the administrative draft and administrative final versions of the documents. The schedule should include time for meetings with the Park Department for the discussion of changes to the draft documents.
The proposal shall include costs for the completion of each task in the work program. This section shall include billing and expense reimbursement rates. Costs shall be segregated into a time and materials rate schedule and a not-to-exceed maximum amount for all work.
The project manager and key personnel, including those of any subcontractor. must be designated. Identify the person(s) who will attend public and agency meetings and presentations, identified above. A list of subcontractors and their responsibilities must be included in the proposal.
Proposals shall include Consultant’s qualifications. Include a brief resume of project manager, key personnel, and subcontractors. Provide three references for recent, comparable work.
Proposal Term and Condition
The proposal shall contain a statement to the effect that the proposal is a firm offer for a minimum 60-day period. The proposal shall contain a statement that all work will be performed at a not-to-exceed contract price.
Proposal as Sole Representation
Firms responding to this RFP must represent themselves solely by the written proposal.
Submittal of the Proposal
Five copies of the proposal must be submitted to the City of Chico Park Department by 4:00 p.m.; April 1, 2004.
Proposals must be responsive to the RFP as issued. Correction and resubmission of proposals may be done by the Consultant, but will not extend the deadline for delivering proposals.
Proposals will be accepted in person or by mail at the office of:
City of Chico Park Department
Attention: Dennis Beardsley, Park Director
411 Main Street
Post Office Box 3420
Chico, CA 95927-3420
Compliance With Terms and Conditions of Professional Service Agreement
The Consultant will be required to comply with all terms and conditions set forth in the City of Chico Standard Form Professional Services Agreement. Any exceptions from these terms and conditions must be specified in the proposal and any exception may be a basis to reject the proposal from further consideration.
Proposal Revision and Modification
Staff may request that the Consultant alter a submitted proposal when deemed necessary and appropriate to clarify that the proposal fully addresses the City’s needs. In the event that a Consultant agrees to modify the proposal, a change in the cost of the services as set forth in the proposal may be made. Otherwise, the cost stated in the original proposal shall remain effective.
Any additional work required beyond the scope of the contract shall be, with prior notification and contract amendment, mutually agreed to by the City and Consultant and shall be billed on a not-to-exceed estimated time and materials basis to the City. Contract amendments will be made only in unusual circumstances, where clearly justified by the Consultant and as determined necessary by the City.
The Consultant shall obtain commercial general liability insurance from one or more U. S. domiciled insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of California with an A.M. Best Company rating of”B”or better or in the alternative, an unlicensed U.S. domiciled company or companies with an “A” rating, which provides coverage for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage liability in the amount of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, and $2,000,000 in the aggregate, with a maximum policy deductible of $1,000. Said insurance coverage shall be evidenced by a certificate of insurance with policy endorsements and shall be executed by an authorized official of the insurer(s). In addition to the limits of coverage provided herein above, policy
endorsements shall be attached to the certificate that also provide that:
(A) “The City of Chico, its officers, boards and commission, and members thereof, its employees and agents are covered as additional insureds with respect to any liability arising out of the activities of the named insured.”
(B) “The insurance coverages afforded by this policy shall be primary insurance with respect to the City of Chico, its officers, officials and employees. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City of Chico, its officers, officials and employees shall be in excess of the insurance afforded to the named insured by this policy and shall not contribute to any loss.”
(C) An unqualified statement that “The insurer will provide to the City at least thirty (30) days prior notice of cancellation or material change in coverage.
All reports and pertinent data or materials shall become the property of the City of Chico.
The Consultant will have normal access to public records and files of local government agencies in preparing the proposal or documents. No compilation, tabulation or analysis of data, definition or opinion, etc., should be anticipated by the contractor from the agencies unless volunteered by a responsible official of these agencies.
A request for proposal does not commit the City to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal, or to procure or contract for services and
supplies. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this request for proposal, if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. The City may require the Consultant to participate in negotiations and to submit such price, technical, or other revisions of their proposal as may result from negotiations.
Primary regard will be given to the technical competence and ability of the Consultant and subconsultant(s), as demonstrated in the proposal and by successful prior experience on similar projects. Costs will be a consideration in Consultant selection. The firm’s willingness and ability to work closely with the City staff and the general quality and thoroughness of the proposal will be considered.
The contract will be awarded only to a responsible Consultant. In order to quality as responsible, a prospective Consultant must meet the following standards as they relate to the RFP:
- Have adequate staff, equipment, technical and financial resources for performance, or have the ability to obtain such resources which are required for performance.
- Have a satisfactory record of performance.
- Be an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contract With Consultant.
The Consultant selected will be asked to agree to and enter into the City’s standard form professional services agreement. It is unlikely that the City will consent to modification of the agreement.
Contract Payment.
The City will release payments to the Consultant in increments based upon itemized invoices submitted on a monthly basis as the work progresses. Contract payments shall be made on the basis of satisfactory performance by the Consultant as determined by the City. Payments for completion of separate tasks shall not exceed a percentage of the total contract amount.
Contract Termination.
The City has the authority to terminate its contract with the Consultant at any time during the period of the study if it is found by the City that the Consultant’s performance is not satisfactory. If the Consultant fails to satisfactorily complete documents within the time specified in the agreed upon performance schedule through the fault of the Consultant, the City reserves the right to terminate the contract or to permit continuation of the agreement with the assessment of liquidated damages.
The agreement provides for cancellation by either party upon ten (10) days written notice.
For additional information regarding the project or submitted of a proposal, please feel free to contact:
Dennis Beardsley, Park Director
City of Chico
411 Main Street
P.O. Box 3420
Chico, CA 95927-3420
(530) 895-4849
City staff are available to meet with prospective Consultants
regarding this project.
In preparation for this project, the City has gathered a significant amount of resource information about Bidwell Park. Most of these documents are in electronic format.
The following documents and files are related to the project and available for review in the City’s Community Development Department and Parks Department. Items underlined are available on the City of Chico web site Library/Parks.
- City of Chico General Plan
- City of Chico Master Environmental Assessment and Final EIR for the General Plan.
- City of Chico Park Department Strategic Plan – 2004.
- City of Chico 1991 Bidwell Park Master Management Plan.
- Initial Study and Negative Declaration for the Bidwell Park Master Management Plan.
- City of Chico Biological Inventory (programmatic habitat mapping prepared in conjunction with the Master Environmental Assessment and Comprehensive General Plan update, 1994).
- Jones and Stokes Associates, Inc. March, 1997. Assessment of Visitor Use on the Natural Resources of Upper Bidwell Park.
- City of Chico 1999 Bidwell Park Trails Manual.
- City of Chico 2000 Proposed Annie Bidwell Trail Botanical Resource Assessment.
- City of Chico – A Resource Inventory of Upper Bidwell Park” Expansion Area.
- Survey for Threatened and Endangered Botanical Species for Selected Areas of Annie Bidwell and Yahi Trails of the City of Chico’s Upper Bidwell Park, Butte County, CA – Spring & Summer 2003 Survey (Stuart Consulting: August 2003). Note: Items 11 and 12 contain important information about proposed trail alignments in Upper Bidwell Park. This information will be the starting point to complete and adopt the trail plan for this portion of the Master Management Plan.
- Survey for Special Status Botanical Species for the City of Chico’s Bidwell Park Trails Project, Butte County, CA (Stuart Consulting: August 2002).
- Proposed Trail Plan of Upper Bidwell Park (Map), Approved January 28, 2002, PDF print file.
- Aerial photographs (Raw), 1″=100′ and 1″=300′ (non-digitized) flown in March 2001.
- Aerial Photographs, Rectified, March 2001.
- GIS Data:
-USGS, 7.5 Minute DRGs (2)
-USGS, 7.5 Minute Geotiffs (2)
-USGS, DOQQ (1998)
-Air Photo Mosaic (.ecw format)
-Bidwell Park Boundary
-Existing Trails - GPS Data:
-Various trail alignments and existing infrastructure captured using GPS - Cultural Resource Survey of Bidwell Park byJensen Associates.
- Enclosures:
- Attachment A
– Issues and Discussion Points on Management Recommendations, Management Zones and Management Units.
Attachment B – Draft Professional Services Agreement