Chico Formally Accepts Gift of Bidwell Park

This, from the Chico Daily Record, Thursday, July 20, 1905, is the text of the resolution passed unanimously by the City Council.


We recognize the sacred and binding obligation resting upon us and our successors in office for all time to sacredly observe the conditions and restrictions of the grant.

Appropriate resolution presented by special committee and formally passed by the board in regular adjourned session.

The committee of three recently appointed to draw up resolutions in honor of Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell submitted the following, which were last evening adopted by a unanimous vote of the Council:

Whereas, Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell and her late husband, John Bidwell, during his life time, at all times have uniformly manifested the kindliest feelings and the kindest regard and esteem for and the liveliest interest in the prosperity of the city of Chico, its permanent growth, progress and improvement, and the public and private welfare and substantial happiness of all its inhabitants; and by their many kindly acts and generous gifts have shown their great interest in this city and in the happiness of its people and enabled it to secure for itself its most important public institutions, and thereby have made it prominent among cities of like size and importance in this State; and,

Whereas, Notwithstanding their past numerous and great benefactions to our city, through which it has been possible for it to become successively a city of churches, a prominent educational center, surrounded with environments making it a most attractive place for the homes of education, culture and happiness, Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell, on behalf of her late husband, John Bidwell, and herself, has now voluntarily and as a mark of her affection for our people, and to more fully promote and add to their happiness for all time, presented a gift exceeding in grandeur all former benefactions received from them by this city, and perhaps grander than was ever before bestowed upon any city, to-wit, a magnificent tract of land adjacent to the city and containing over nineteen hundred acres, and being the most picturesque and interesting and containing most of the beautiful natural scenery of the world-famous Rancho Chico, for a public park for the city, and a place of recreation, rest and the joy of contemplation of the most beautiful works of God, for all time and for all its people, thereby providing a place for our use and the use of our children throughout the generations yet unborn, surpassing all other city parks in its wonderful natural beauty, in the grandeur of its peaks, cliffs and crags, the beauty of its forest and streams, its trees and vines, its shaded ways and sunny glades, and its unceasing and almost every variation and combination of natural beauty; therefore, be it

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board of Trustees of the City of Chico that the people of Chico owe a debt of appreciation and gratitude to Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell and her late husband, John Bidwell, greater than it is possible for us to express; that, on behalf of all the people of Chico, we hereby in adjourned regular session assembled, extend to Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell the deepest and sincerest appreciation and gratitude of all the people of Chico for her magnificent gift. And we hereby pledge to her the lasting loyalty and love of all the people of our city. And be it further

Resolved, That in accepting this great gift from Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell. we feel that it is given as a token from herself and late husband, John Bidwell, as expressed in her conveyance of the same, “of their love and affection, and that that grand work of God may be preserved to His glory and the happiness and pleasure of the people of said city for all time;” and we recognize the sacred and binding obligation resting upon us and our successors in office for all time to sacredly observe the conditions and restrictions of the grant—made as they were for the protection, preservation and perpetuation in all its beauty of this grand gift to our city. And we hereby pledge to our noble benefactress our sacred regard for her wishes and the firm resolve that they shall be fulfilled. And be it further

Resolved, That it is the wish of all people of Chico, hereby officially expressed, that Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell may be spared by Almighty God to remain many years yet among us and enjoy with us the beautiful gift she has made our city, and grace with her presence the beautiful scenes in Bidwell Park, the streets and public places and institutions and assemblages of our city; and be an inspiration for many years in the future as she has in the past, for all our people and their elevation of character and in morals and culture. And

Resolved, That a certified copy of these resolutions and certified copy of the Ordinance accepting the conveyance of Bidwell Park be presented by a committee of this Board to Mrs. Annie E. K. Bidwell, on behalf of the Board, and as a direct communication to her of the official acceptance by the City of Chico of her magnificent gift. Respectfully submitted,


Dated, July 19, 1905